Candles from hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Hemorrhoids is a problem that occurs in the greater part of women who are in an "interesting position." It not only causes unpleasant sensations during pregnancy, but also complicates the process of childbirth. Doctors have long been thinking about the question "how to cure hemorrhoids during pregnancy?" After all, only after the birth can the main cause of hemorrhoids be eliminated, and it begins long before birth.

Causes of hemorrhoids in pregnant women

The main pathogenetic factor in the development of this disease is an increase in pressure in the inferior vena cava due to compression of its growing pregnant uterus. In a healthy person, there are so-called port-caval anastomoses (connections between the inferior vena cava and portal vein of the liver), which normally do not function. Cavernous vessels in the rectum are representatives of one of these anastomoses. They are opened in case of increased pressure to discharge venous blood in them and lead to an increase in hemorrhoids.

Predisposing factors include:

What can pregnant women from hemorrhoids?

The remedy for hemorrhoids during pregnancy should be effective and not toxic to the fetus. Acute hemorrhoids during pregnancy with timely begun and properly selected treatment can cure or stop its progression. When they begin to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy, one should remember that the main conditions should be: refusal from spicy food, normalization of the stool and restriction of physical exertion. Of the medicinal forms with hemorrhoids use: candles, ointments and creams. Of creams and ointments have a good effect Heparin ointment, Troxevasin, Proctosan, Vishnevsky ointment. They have analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous action, Troxevasin also strengthens the vascular wall.

Candles from hemorrhoids during pregnancy

The best cure for hemorrhoids for pregnant women is candles. First, they can be bought in any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription, and secondly, they have a firm consistency, and after the introduction, they soften and melt. Finally, thirdly, the medicinal substances that contain suppositories are well absorbed into the blood, since the rectum is rich in small blood vessels. Candles are much more effective in hemorrhoids than ointments and creams, but it is better to apply them in a complex. Candles from hemorrhoids during pregnancy have anti-edematous, analgesic, antipruritic and anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, they eliminate flatulence and solve the problem of constipation.

Candles should preferably be placed in the evening after performing hygienic procedures in the anal zone. Then you need to remove the candle from the protective shell and quickly put it into the anus, as it can melt in your hand. After setting the candle, it is recommended to take a horizontal position and lie down for 30 minutes, so that the medicinal substances of the candle would be absorbed into the blood. Therefore, candles are recommended to be put on at night.

The most common candles for hemorrhoids in pregnant women are the candles of the relic. They are effective both with external and internal hemorrhoids. In addition, they have wound-healing, immunomodulating and blood-restoring action.

Thus, in the treatment of hemorrhoids in pregnant women, preference is given to suppositories, since they are able to eliminate not only unpleasant symptoms, but also the causes that caused the increase in hemorrhoids. And during remission, you can use special candles that prevent the recurrence of hemorrhoids.