Tree-shaped hydrangea - preparation for winter

Flowering shrubs of beautiful hydrangeas like many gardeners. However, in order to achieve this, it is necessary to know the secrets of proper care for hydrangeas. Especially it concerns the wintering of plants. Today, many varieties of this flower have been bred. Let's find out what kind of preparation for winter you need hydrangea tree . This variety is known for its excellent winter hardiness, as well as the ability to recover quickly after a severe winter.

Tree-shaped hydrangea - winter care

Many fans of hydrangeas are interested in the question of whether to cut a hydrangea tree for the winter. Many growers believe that in terms of pruning hydrangea is like a lilac: the more pruned the bushes, the more lush will blossom next year. The fact is that the flowers of the tree-shaped hydrangeas appear on annual stems. Pruning a hydrangea tree for the winter will lead to the formation of new young shoots, and, therefore, the number of flowers in the spring will also increase.

Adult treelike hydrangea should be cut "to the stump", that is, to leave from each shoot up to 10 cm. To rejuvenate old shrubs of a tree hydrangea, it is better to trim them in parts, stretching this exercise for 3 years. So young shoots will be easier to "feed" the huge root system of a large bush.

If you do not arrange shelter for the winter, the faded inflorescence of the hydrangea in the tree should be cut off in autumn. In winter, under the weight of snow, fragile branches of a shrub can break down.

Adult shrubs of a tree-like hydrangea can not be sheltered for the winter, but young plants should always be harbored even in warm winter. If you live in the southern region, then to conceal the tree hydrangea, it will be sufficiently high to bite its bush. If the winters in your area are more severe, then the plants are better still to cover for the winter. Young bushes can be bent to the ground and covered with peat, and covered with film on top. For old powerful plants, you can build a special shelter. For this, the branches of the bush are tied up and wrapped in lutrasil. Then around the bush a frame is constructed from a grid, inside which is laid dry foliage. Over the frame, the structure is covered with a film or roofing material.