Chin plastic surgery - features of the appearance change

Chin, like any other part of the face, makes its significant "contribution" to creating an attractive image. But not everyone can boast of its ideal shapes and sizes. Age and injuries can distort the appearance. Then the plastic of the chin comes to the rescue. This procedure is aimed at giving the person a harmonious look.

Surgery to reduce the chin

This procedure is considered difficult. It will help to remove the second chin operation, in the process of which excess fat tissues are removed, and skin lifting is performed. Sometimes you may need a more serious correction. This applies to cases where the chin plastic is required in order to reduce it. The incision in this operation can be done in two ways:

After dissecting the tissues, osteotomy is performed. The further actions of the surgeon depend on the situation. The bone fragment can be completely removed or displaced back. In the latter case, it is fixed by strong seams. Fixation of the fragment is performed to the bone or to soft tissues. The operation lasts 2-3 hours. On the same day, the patient leaves the clinic, and on a follow-up visit comes in 24 hours.

Surgery to increase the chin

This plastic is recommended for the oblique form of the lower third of the face. In the course of it, the chin is enlarged with an implant. Such prostheses can be used:

Implants are made from absolutely safe materials. Their shape and size in each case are individual. Before the operation, the prosthesis must be checked. During this procedure, it turns out whether they are compatible with the patient's body or not. The same surgical procedure lasts 40-90 minutes. A plastic surgeon makes an incision (outside or inside the mouth) and installs implants here.

Augmentation of the lower part of the face can be carried out with the help of bone fragments of the patient. After dissection, the individual pieces are slightly shifted forward and fixed. At the final stage of the operation, a tight bandage is applied to the lower part of the face. Lipofilling is also practiced with chin plastic surgery. This procedure involves the use of the patient's fat tissues. Fence "filler" is carried out in the abdomen. The use of such donor cells prevents tissue rejection after surgery and the subsequent development of an allergic reaction.

Mentoplasty of the chin

The procedure is a surgical procedure. Its goal is to correct bone and soft tissues in the lower third of the face. Indications for this operation are:

Approximately 70% of patients who go to the clinic to remove the second chin (plastic) are women. It is practiced only in adults. In childhood it is not performed, because in young patients all permanent teeth have not yet grown. Reducing mentoplastika has a number of contraindications, which include the following:

Contouring of the chin

This procedure allows you to adjust the shape of the lower third of the face, making the area more pronounced or sharp. The contour plasty of the chin is performed by fillers - injectable preparations, which are administered subcutaneously. These fillers have a clear advantage over the implants. With their introduction, the patient does not make a single incision with a scalpel, so the rehabilitation process after the procedure is much faster.

Correction of the chin with fillers

Cosmetic plastic provides for the use of fillers, which can differ in their composition or in the duration of the effect. Depending on the material of manufacture, the following fillers are distinguished:

By the time of action there are such fillers:

The plastic of the second chin with fillers gives an instant result. In addition, this procedure can be carried out at any time of the year - it does not have seasonal restrictions. However, there is a number of contraindications for such plastic surgery. Fillers can not be used in the following cases:

Consequences of contour plastics

Use fillers - this is not the safest way to correct the shape of the face. Like plastic to reduce the chin, the procedure with the use of filler can have unpleasant consequences. Complications are rare, but they do exist:

Plastic surgery - chin before and after

You can only entrust the correction of the lower third of the face to an experienced specialist. The professional knows how to remove the second chin (plastic) and avoid negative postoperative consequences. Before the procedure, a comprehensive examination of the patient will be scheduled. This will help the specialist to obtain reliable information about the condition of the person who applied and to exclude complications. On the results that promises contour plastic, a selection of photos before and after will tell a thousand words better.