Warmed the hands - what to do?

In the winter, the thin skin of the hands requires special attention. Prolonged exposure to frost, the negative effect of wind and low temperatures, provokes the appearance of redness and cracks. Many such a problem is taken by surprise, because not everyone knows what to do if their hands are worn out. However, you do not need to worry about this, because, resorting to simple and affordable recipes, you can quickly restore the beauty of the skin.

What should I do if my hands are worn out?

With minor discomfort, you can come home, just wash your hands with soap (you better use the household soap) and lubricate the skin with cream. Any fat cream will do . After a very short time, the epidermis heals.

At the next stage already use home remedies, including all kinds of masks and baths , which will speed up healing.

What should I do if my hands are badly worn out, and what means to use at home?

Quickly heal the epidermis and restore it to its former form by resorting to folk recipes. They are distinguished by simple use, availability and efficiency:

  1. Oatmeal with the addition of vitamin A will save the affected skin from the cold. In steamed oats, add liquid vitamin (capsule). Place the hands in this mixture for fifteen minutes.
  2. Paraffinotherapy is also effective. In the melted paraffin, immerse your hands and take them out, letting it cool down a little. Then they are again immersed in a container. Repeat the steps until a thick layer of paraffin is formed. Then they put on mittens, and after half an hour they wash everything off.
  3. A bowl of potato broth also helps if the hands are worn out. They are immersed in a hot broth. Keep it until the composition is completely cooled.

After all activities, hands are washed with water, dried and treated with a fat cream or oiled with olive oil. For best results, cotton mittens can be worn.