Laura Grapes

Grapes Lora - a sort of table grapes. He was selectively bred in the National Institute of Viticulture and Wine-making. V.E. Tairov. Selection of Laura grapes was made from such varieties as: Muscat de Saint-Valle, mixes of pollen Muscat of Hamburg and Husaine, and also - Queen Tairovskaya. This grape variety is very interesting and popular. Its taste, appearance, as well as other, not less important, characteristics are very high, so it is not in vain for popularity, that's for sure. But let's take a closer look at the description of the grape variety of Laura, because only knowing all the information, it will be possible to decide the issue of planting this sort of grapes in your dacha section.

Characteristics of grapes Lora

  1. Appearance. So, our description of the Laura grapes, we, perhaps, begin with a description of the appearance of this variety. Bushes of grapes Laura have a very strong and powerful trunk, which, however, is not devoid of grace. The leaves are full of green grapes. The fertility of Laura's shoots is most often sixty-eighty percent, which is a fairly large percentage. Now go directly to the grapes themselves. The ripe bunch has an excellent conical shape and a medium-density structure. In general, the density of the structure of the bunch depends to some extent on pollination and the growth force of shoots. Very pleased with the size of the bunches of grapes Laura. Weigh one bunch at least six hundred to eight hundred grams, but this is only the minimum weight. In general, with very good care and favorable weather and climate conditions, the weight of one cluster of this grapes is a kilogram, or even two kilograms. What is one more extra reason to provide this sort of grapes royal care, because everyone wants to see at their dacha site such truly majestic brushes of grapes. Next, the berries themselves. Laura is large not only bunches, but also berries on them, thanks to which this grapes have a good marketable appearance. So, berries of grapes Lora characterizes the oval form and length about three centimeters. The weight of one grape most often varies from seven to ten grams. The color of the grapes is nice salad white with a light tan on the side turned to the sun. Black grapes Laura does not exist. Also for berries this grape is characterized by a dense and crunchy core and fairly large seeds, which, however, very easily separate from the pulp.
  2. Taste qualities . Next, we turn to the taste qualities of Laura grapes, which are one of the most important factors that you need to pay attention to before deciding to grow this grape variety. In Laura contains more than twenty percent of sugar, and the acidity of berries is five to nine g / l. Such a balance can be called almost ideal, so that the berries of Laura grapes have remarkable taste qualities - they can be called almost champions for sweets. But the berries are not sugary, which is very important.
  3. Fruiting. Young grape bushes begin to bear fruit for the second or third year of their life. Laura grapes are very early in themselves - the ripening period of berries is only one hundred and ten-hundred and fifteen days from the moment when the buds are dissolved.
  4. Pruning . Pruning Lora grapes is important, as grapes that have a complex genetic origin need only be cut according to the rules, otherwise the crop may be lost. For example, in the situation with Laura after cutting the fruit arrow it is recommended to leave two or six eyes on it. No more, since more eyes will cause the fruit arrow to be overloaded.
  5. Diseases and frost resistance. Variety of grapes Laura differs enviable frost resistance - it completely calmly tolerates frosts to minus twenty-five degrees. Also, the stability of this variety to some diseases , like, for example, mild, oidium and gray mold, is also pleasing. But nevertheless it is necessary to carry out treatment of grapes twice a year with fungicides.