Fuchsia - reproduction by cuttings

Beautiful flowers in the apartment always give positive emotions and decorate the room. Among fond of many ornamental plants one of the first places will certainly take fuchsia. This incredibly beautiful flower is impossible not to admire. Growing fuchsia is easy enough. It is unpretentious and does not require complex maintenance, so it can even be planted on the windowsill by an amateur gardener.

There are several ways that can successfully reproduce fuchsia, but propagation by cuttings is the most effective of them. Through the seeds, this flower can also be grown, but this process requires certain conditions and some experience. Therefore, in this article, we will consider in more detail the more popular variant of reproduction of fuchsia - cuttings.

Preparation of cuttings

When multiplying fuchsia at home, it is important to choose the right time to cut the cuttings. Optimal to do this at the end of winter or spring.

Ideal material for propagation will be young, ungreened stems of the plant, on which several nodules developed.

Rooting fuchsia cuttings

Rooting in water

This method is suitable for both growing ordinary and ampulla fuchsia - the process of care and reproduction of these plants do not have special differences. In addition, the variant of rooting of the cuttings in water is suitable for beginning floriculturists. Through the transparent walls of the container you can observe the state of the cuttings and the process of root formation.

The stalk should be placed in a clean jar or glass, filled with boiled water. To prevent possible decay, it is recommended to dissolve a activated carbon pellet in water beforehand. If the leaves on the stem begin to fade a little, the stalk should be sprinkled with water and covered with a packet or a plastic glass.

To accelerate the process of multiplication of ampulla fuchsia, the container with the cut should be placed in a warm and well-lit place. However, you should avoid getting bright sun rays on the stems. When the roots reach 3 cm in length, the stalk can be transplanted into the ground.

Rooting in the ground

Reproduction of the flower of fuchsia can also be achieved by rooting directly into the ground. For cuttings it is necessary to choose a loose substrate that allows air to pass through. Soil must be poured into a container and planted in it prepared cuttings so that the lower nodules do not touch the ground. After that, the substrate must be moistened and covered with cuttings or a plastic glass to create a greenhouse effect. After 3-4 weeks the cuttings will give roots. As the root system grows, the plant must be periodically transplanted into larger pots.