Ideas for Easter

One of the most beloved Christian holidays is Easter, the day is so bright that it is celebrated even by those who visit the church infrequently. So we are trying to create an even more joyful mood for Easter to find original ideas for decorating your home and interesting Easter crafts that you can make with your own hands. Although, it would seem, what Easter ideas and diversity can there be, if all customs and traditions have long been formed, and any deviation from them will look like blasphemy? But no one talks about any cardinal changes, because you can just give a new look to the already familiar things. That's it about these ideas of updating traditional jewelry and treats for Easter, and we'll talk.

Easter wreath

Easter is such a holiday that the decorations of the house are provided very unobtrusive (well, not the New Year, in fact), but still they are. For example, the Easter wreath. Surely, many have already managed to make this little thing for Easter by their own hands, but not everyone knows that the same idea with a wreath can be used for decorating tables and even Easter baking. Sharing on Easter with friends and familiar Easter cakes, we often think about what to pack them with, a plate and a plastic bag for holiday thoughts somehow does not set up. But everything changes if you present cakes in your own made "nest" - an Easter wreath. To make this craft, you need foam, corrugated paper, a pencil, a stationery knife, scissors, glue, tape, sisal and thread.

  1. With a pencil on the foam, we draw a circle with a hole diameter corresponding to the size of the cake and a width of 5-7 cm.
  2. On the planned lines we cut the workpieces with the help of a clerical knife.
  3. Then glue the workpiece with corrugated paper.
  4. We locate the sisal on the wreath and fasten it with threads.
  5. We wrap round a circle of a tape, we decorate with beads, feathers which we fasten by means of glue.
  6. We let it dry for a while, and the charming nest for your cake is ready.

Easter basket

Another obligatory attribute of Easter are colored eggs. And it's not interesting to add them to the plate. Much nicer they will look in a basket purchased in a store or made independently.

Option 1: for busy or lazy

We buy small wicker baskets and decorate them with ribbons, beads, etc. Inside, put thin strips, cut from green paper - to simulate grass.

Option number 2

You can make baskets for eggs on your own, having executed them in the form of bird nests. To do this, we need twigs of trees, clay for modeling (salted dough), garden shears and a soft green cloth.

We cut the branches with scissors into lengths of 12-15 cm. If the branches are flexible, for example, willow, then they can be left as long as there is a basket of weaving of them, only slightly clinging with clay. If the twigs are not very flexible, then we collect the nest from them without bending. We will clamp the twigs together with clay or a salty dough. At the bottom of the resulting nest we put a soft cloth (feathers, cotton wool).

Option number 3

Very beautiful and delicate baskets can be made from salted dough. It will take a ready-made salted dough or ingredients for it, foil and a bowl.

We take a glass of flour, half a glass of salt and water, a tablespoon of PVA glue and mix everything. If you want a basket to be colored, then in the test, you can add the paint (gouache, watercolor, food color) desired color. Next, the dough is rolled into a layer half a centimeter thick. Cut out a circle from it, using the bottom of the bowl as the shape. Pipe overturn, we put foil on top (so that the dough does not stick), and on it we have our circle of dough. Then we cut out a strip with a width of 1 cm from the dough, and we braid them with a bowl, moistening the places of fastening with water. For the handle roll a pair of thin bundles, weaving them together. The edges of the handle must be flat. Dry the basket with the handle separately in the air or in the oven, and glue the handle to the basket.