I'm afraid to fly a plane - what can I do?

There are people who love to soar above the ground, looking out of the porthole, to imagine how they touch the passing cloud. And there are those who completely avoid it. At the very sight of any aircraft, they are overwhelmed by different thoughts, and what remains to be done in this situation is to avoid such places where panic fear will make itself felt.

I'm afraid to fly a plane - what can I do?

The most interesting thing is that almost every sensible person can develop aerophobia. As without it, if the morning begins with the next news that somewhere the plane has fallen again. Several such "pleasant" messages from the media and, hearing the buzz of an aircraft engine, a person trembles with fear, forgets everything and can not move.

It will not be superfluous to mention that it is such a widespread fear that even famous personalities such as Michael Jackson, Colin Farrell, and others experienced it. According to experts, there are many easy ways to help stop being afraid to fly. They are accessible to everyone. The main thing is to find a great desire to put an end to the hated phobia forever.

Should I be afraid or why people do not want to fly on airplanes?

First, it is important to take into account that this fear is vain. After all, scientists have long been proven that air transport is one of the safest. Of course, if you are accustomed to always control everything, then being in the cabin of the aircraft in kilometers from the ground, because of the lack of habitual control, you can begin to experience not the most pleasant emotions.

It is known that about 20% of the world's population experience such fear. Psychologists have identified several factors that are the main cause of the phobia:

Very afraid of flying a plane - what to do?

The most effective method of getting rid of this phobia is NLP practices, hypnosis, visiting the therapist. Talking with a psychologist, the root causes of fear are clarified, the client is taught the skills of proper relaxation, as well as self-control.

When for some reason it is impossible to visit a specialist, then it is worthwhile to overcome aerophobia on your own. So, if you are afraid to fly, then during the flight you need to do what will help to distract:

If there is an onset of anxiety, you can slightly bite your lip or pinch yourself. Thus, the body will switch to bodily sensations, forgetting about obsessive thoughts.

Of course, as soon as you see planes or step on the ladder, necessarily there are not guests - negative thoughts. They need to try to drive away, I use affirmations like "I enjoy flying", "I feel fine." If we talk about the correct composition of such miraculous replicas, it is important not to mention the particle "not." Otherwise, the subconscious will not see "I'm not afraid to fly an airplane and I know what to do", but "I'm afraid to fly ...".

It is always necessary to adjust yourself to a positive mood. An optimistic attitude can work wonders. Even before the flight it is important to imagine how you take your luggage, you realize that you looked in the eye of your own fear and became stronger.

It is important to remember that for those who are afraid to fly, there are tablets created by nature - infusions of motherwort and valerian.