From what week does toxicosis begin?

Toxicosis is the body's response to changes associated with pregnancy. Its manifestations and the degree of inconvenience that it causes are individual for each woman. This phenomenon is caused by hormonal changes in the body. It is also believed that it affects the emotional state of the future mother. Usually, when toxemia begins, a woman may experience the following conditions:

It is impossible to say exactly from what week the toxicosis begins. Some pregnant babies are babies, without knowing about the manifestations of this condition. Others also have to look for ways that alleviate his symptoms.

Early toxicosis

All women who plan to conceive are interested in the question of when early toxicosis of pregnant women begins, since its symptoms are usually attributed to the first symptoms of pregnancy. In fact, the future mother can face such a phenomenon already by the time of the delay in menstruation. During this period, the body is just beginning to actively rebuild, getting used to its new state. The hormonal balance changes, as progesterone, a hormone that has a special effect on maintaining a pregnancy, increases. It relaxes the muscles of the uterus, and this affects the work of the digestive tract.

Some doctors believe that what week the toxemia appears and how pronounced its symptoms are directly related to hereditary factors. That is, if the mother did not have severe discomfort at the beginning of the term, then there is a high probability that the daughter will have pregnancy without signs of this unpleasant condition.

Usually, early toxicosis does not need treatment, and to reduce its manifestations, future mothers use available methods and means:

If the pregnant woman experiences severe discomfort, and vomiting attacks happen quite often, then one should not neglect the doctor's advice for the purpose of appropriate therapy.

Early toxicosis traces without a trace along with the end of the first trimester.

Late toxicosis, or gestosis

This state is always an alarm and needs to be addressed to a specialist. It is impossible to say exactly from what week the late toxicosis begins. In the normal course of pregnancy, it should not be. In general, its signs may appear at the end of the second or at the beginning of the third trimester.

When late toxicosis begins, a woman should immediately go to her antenatal clinic, because if the doctor does not intervene in a timely manner, the consequences can be irreversible and dangerous. Because it is important to know the signs of gestosis:

Doctors say that increasing the pressure to the mark of 135/85, with a high probability of talking about the onset of gestosis. Even if this is the only symptom, and the remaining signs are still unobtrusive or have not appeared, then the doctor will take the necessary measures anyway. After all, a serious complication of late toxicosis can be conditions such as preeclampsia and eclampsia . These conditions are deadly for the mother and baby and require hospitalization. If you are attentive to your health and at the first signs of gestosis, you need to consult an observant doctor. He will take measures and make appointments that will not allow serious complications.