How to wash a kitten for the first time?

As soon as you have a small kitten in your house, as soon as there were a lot of worries and questions. One of them - how to properly wash the kitten for the first time, if he is afraid of water? Some people think that cats should not be washed at all. However, there are times when you need to wash your baby. For example, if you have a street kitten, then you need to wash it.

How to wash a kitten at home?

First of all, you should know that the kitten needs time to adapt to new conditions of life. Therefore, the baby can be washed about two weeks after the appearance of it at your home.

Vets recommend washing the kitten once every two or three months. If the baby is strongly smeared, then you can bathe it and more often. Bathing water should be warm - around 38 ° C. The windows and doors when swimming cat must be tightly closed, so as not to create drafts. In addition, the kitten will not be able to escape through the open door while bathing.

Before you begin the bathing procedure, prepare everything you need. For bathing a small kitten, use only a specialized shampoo for kittens. "Human" remedies: shampoos and soap, are completely inappropriate for a kitten.

On the eve of washing, trim the kitten with claws. To wash the baby is more convenient together: one holds a seal and the other cleans. Some wash the kittens in a bowl, pour a little bit of lukewarm water. Others use a shower, while the jet should be weak.

After thoroughly moistening the kitten's fur, lather with a shampoo and rinse the foam thoroughly. Remember that shampoos are very foaming, so do not use it too much. Take care that the water does not pour into the kitten's ears. After bathing, wrap the baby in a towel and pat the water well. To dry the baby's coat some use a hairdryer. However, cats are most often afraid of its sound. If you do not want to injure a kitten, you can do without a hair dryer. But if you plan to participate in the future cats at exhibitions, then accustom it to a noisy hair dryer should be in advance. The same goes for kittens with long hair - a dryer is needed to dry it.