Epin for indoor plants

Very often in the recommendations for the care of indoor plants you can meet tips to use immunomodulators or in other words phytohormones such as zircon, epin, auxin, and heteroauxin. But many flower growers do not understand what kind of preparations they are and why they are needed. These are biological growth regulators that do not destroy pests and do not help fight plant diseases , but only increase immunity, promote rooting, accelerate seed germination and fruit ripening.

Scientific growth regulators are physiologically active compounds of various (natural, synthetic) origin that are capable of causing positive changes in the process of plant growth and development. By the nature of the action, they are divided into stimulants and inhibitors.

In this article, we will examine the composition and effect of such a drug as epin, how to use it for indoor plants.

What is the preparation of epin?

The composition of epin mainly includes epibrassinolide, a hormone produced by plants. But somewhere in 2003, instead of epin, the drug "epin extra" began to be produced, which contains all the active ingredient epibrassinolide, but also synthetic, and of higher quality. Also on sale you can find the drug "Epibrassinolide", the same in composition with epin.

Epin extra is produced in ampoules of 1 ml containing a solution of 0.025 g of epibrassinolide in alcohol.

Epin extra: application for indoor plants

Although epine extra is for garden plants, it can also be used for home colors as a growth regulator, an anti-stress adaptogen or a stimulant of the immune system.

It is recommended to apply in the following situations:

The recommended number of treatments with epinom extras depends on the goal:

How to dilute the epin solution for indoor flowers?

In different situations, the extra-epin solution is made different:

The resulting epin solution can be used only for two days after manufacturing.

Features of the use of epin for indoor plants

Since this drug is environmentally friendly, its use can be combined with other drugs. For example: spray the epin solution with spray with the necessary plant fertilizers. To achieve a positive effect on the treatment, one must adhere to the rules:

Otherwise, epibrassinolide is destroyed, and such treatment will be useless.

Safety measures when working with epin

Using epin extra, remember that this is not a cure, but only a remedy that can help your house colors recover from a stressful situation, illness or wintering, and it will be effective only under normal plant care conditions.