Image of business woman - style of modern business woman

Image in English means image or reflection. For a business person, this means a special style in clothes, hair style, and behavior that gives others an idea of ​​this person and supports his reputation as a reliable partner.

Image of a modern business woman

Ability to earn a lot of money, knowledge of how to behave in different situations, and match them and create the style of a business lady. At the same time, one must bear in mind that the image of a business woman is quite different from that of a nanny in a kindergarten. Successfully built her career woman can be seen in the crowd, not only through clothes and hair. Posture, strong character, self-confidence, the modern business woman is different from the rest.

Qualities of a business woman

Self-confident person, distinguished by femininity, while not cruel and not icy, capable of independent decision-making, paying attention to her intellectual and physical perfection, able to adequately respond to other people's negative emotions and even direct insults - this is the modern business lady . Ideally, a modern business woman calmly and naturally moves from the role of "boss" to the role of "mother, wife, daughter," without experiencing any internal discomfort while doing so.

In reality, everything is much more complicated. It's not so easy to immediately switch to family, home and children, leaving all the working problems behind the threshold. Many representatives of the weaker sex and home continue to work, solve some important urgent issues, and peace and mutual understanding in the family depend on the patience and tact of the household. Seven business ladies perceive not as another source of problems and worries, but a place where she can escape from all hardships, troubles and frustrations, relax, regain strength, just be with her family and friends.

The appearance of a business woman

Absolutely not necessarily a business woman's dress code is a dark, gray, black and faded tone, as one can imagine. Everything depends on personal preferences and tastes, on how comfortable the woman feels in this or that bow (look - image). However, there are a couple of rules that are common to any business woman, and which you should follow in any situation:

  1. Whatever the proverb says, colleagues, partners and other surroundings will always initially evaluate a business woman "by clothes", and not by how outstanding she has business and intellectual data.
  2. Creating an image of a stylish lady, a business woman should barely stand out from her environment, attracting favorable and respectful attention, achieving ever greater success in the chosen field.

Wardrobe business woman

Thoughtful to trifles ensemble, in which each accessory is in its place - this is the business-woman's clothes. The business image suggests that she will not come to a business meeting in slippers or a mini-dress. Stereotype is the opinion that business suits, trousers and skirts are dull and faceless. Even if the assortment of boutiques does not satisfy the demanding tastes of a business lady, the costumes can be sewn to order, making an ideal fit without flawing folds, long sleeves and other signs of standard standard models sewn in production.

  1. The business lady, as a rule, in the wardrobe has a lot of blouses and shirts that will revitalize the strict suit and give freshness to the appearance.
  2. Of course, you need to try to do without lace, ruches, consolidated folds and transparent and translucent material, choosing such blouses.
  3. Business style implies the absence of an emphasis on the sexual appearance of the lady, but welcomes the elegant femininity.

Business woman shoes

There are certain rules concerning the business lady's shoes. Business style of a woman engaged in business, provides an active lifestyle and the fact that she will walk a lot, and sometimes run. It's a good idea to wear closed shoes without revealing the toe and heel. No sports or beach shoes in a business suit is inappropriate. This does not mean that a woman should be tormented from morning till night, running on tall and thin stilettos.

The sole should have a steady low heel, maybe even a platform or a wedge, in case this option is not distinguished from the general business image. The color should be in harmony with the costume, but, as a rule, black boats are universally suitable for different business style options. Lacquered shoes are best left for evening activities.

Makeup of a business woman

Business ladies often do not have the opportunity to sit in front of a mirror for a long time, applying cosmetics, but the modern business style of a woman is impossible without careful selection of make-up, but if certain rules are followed, you can look great without making much effort for make-up:

  1. A big role is played by the type of lighting in the office - if halogen or fluorescent lamps are used, you need to choose the right type of foundation, otherwise your face will look exhausted and tired.
  2. A cold and restrained palette of shadows should in no case be shiny and provocative, - it is better to use matte shades.
  3. Do not abuse the amount of mascara on eyelashes - huge flakes can spoil the whole impression of the appearance of a business lady.
  4. Try to avoid lumps and use only high-quality cosmetics from leading manufacturers.

Hairstyle of a business woman

With all their seeming monotony, business haircuts for women can be very different. A business lady will not dye her hair in a pink or lilac shade, however, there may be many options for a business hairstyle. Natural colors are welcome. Of great importance is the choice of a hairdresser who should bring his head in an ideal condition, and due to lack of time, the haircut must be quickly stacked.

Many business women prefer to wear short haircuts, but here you can go too far - with too short hair cut, especially a slender build, you can look not a business lady, but accidentally got into a serious meeting by a teenager. It is best to choose a hairstyle with short, up to the shoulders, hair - in this case a whole fan of styling options is possible, from the working "tail", to the evening hairstyle with curls.

Business woman etiquette

In a certain manner to behave like a superior leadership, and with subordinates a modern business woman is manifested:

  1. Restrained articulation, straight back, confident and attentive look - without all this, the image of a business woman can not be called accomplished.
  2. It is unacceptable how to sit in the office chair, lounging, and on the very edge of the chair, betraying its uncertainty about what is happening.
  3. The timbre of the voice is also very important - hysterical high screech notes under any circumstances should be eliminated, focusing on a calm chest voice.
  4. A quick manner of conversation can prevent the interlocutor from understanding what he is talking about, so it will be optimal to speak slowly and intelligently so that the conversation participant does not experience inconvenience and there are no embarrassing situations in misunderstanding.

Business woman behavior

Manners of behavior, like nothing else, most emphasize the status of a business woman. Regardless of whether she communicates with the boss or subordinates, the business lady is always punctual, polite, reserved and calm, because she sets an example for her behavior to the people around her, this should not be forgotten, and, for example, require order in the workplace Subordinates in the case when on its own table reigns perfect purity.