How to attract good luck in trading?

There are many rituals and ancient rituals that can help a seller attract good luck in trading. With money, there is a lot to accept, thanks to them you can learn how to multiply your wealth.

How to attract good luck in trading?

The most important factor for the enumerated rituals to begin to work is your strong desire. But always remember that money is only a way to achieve the goal. After the ritual, do not think about it. We offer to your attention the signs and rituals associated with money:

  1. Did you drop the product on the ground? Most likely, this is the thing you will sell the fastest.
  2. Never buy anything for the last money. In the purse should always lie at least a coin.
  3. If you buy goods from a greedy seller, most likely, this thing will give you a lot of trouble.
  4. If you are planning to purchase real estate, be sure to find out the history of this housing. The apartment, in which the tenants were ill, or in which deaths occurred, carries a negative energy.
  5. A new acquisition should be washed with loved ones. This is done to ensure that the purchase has pleased you for a long time.
  6. When you see a growing month, toss a coin on your palm.
  7. Get a piggy bank. Remember that money will always go to money.
  8. Read the money in the morning.
  9. Sellers have a very interesting sign . From the first buyer depends on what will be their working day. Therefore, special attention is always shown to him.
  10. Let's change, it will bring you luck and luck.
  11. Money received from the first buyer, you should pat on the entire product, only after that you can take them to the cashier or to your wallet.
  12. Trading after sunset will cause you a loss.
  13. If you want to buy a pet, do not take it for free. It is important to pay for the animal at least a nominal fee or give something in return. It is believed that the pet received by the gift will often ache or not take root in the new house at all.