Green adzhika for the winter - recipe

Adjika is a terrific fragrant seasoning, inciting appetite and giving a juicy note to a wide variety of dishes. Today we will share with you a recipe for green Adzhika.

Recipe for green Georgian Adjika



Greens are carefully sorted, processed and soaked in cold water for 15 minutes. After that, lay it on a dry towel and leave it for a while to completely get rid of excess moisture. This time we clean garlic, and peppers rinse and cleanse of seeds. Next, add all the ingredients to the bowl of the blender, add the walnuts and grind it. The resulting green mass season with spices for your taste, we spread the adjika into clean jars and store it in the refrigerator.

Adjika from green tomato without cooking



All the vegetables and greens are thoroughly washed and processed: cut the peduncles, remove the stems and discard the seeds. Next, cut the tomatoes with pepper into pieces and put them in the bowl of the combine. Add the prepared greens, garlic and grind until homogeneous. Then season the finished adzhika with spices, seasonings, pour a little vegetable oil and mix thoroughly. After that, we spread it on sterilized jars and store it in the refrigerator.

Recipe for green Adzhika for the winter



So, first you need to prepare the banks and sterilize them for a couple. All vegetables are washed, cleaned of seeds and cut the ponytails. To adzhika turned out not watery tomatoes cut into halves and add up for 1.5 hours in any dishes, and then twist through the meat grinder. Add garlic crushed in a blender, pepper, sprinkle salt, sugar and pour in the necessary amount of vinegar. We mix everything thoroughly and lay out the finished adjika in sterilized jars. We roll up the tin lids and store them in the refrigerator.