How to transplant a room rose?

Many flower lovers like a beautiful room rose , which can create a festive mood in any room. However, in order for the plant to please us with its surprisingly delicate colors, it is necessary to take good care of it. One of the conditions for the excellent flowering of the indoor rose is its timely transplantation. Let's find out how to properly transplant a home rose.

When can I transplant a room rose?

The transplant needs a room rose, bought in the store. After all, there it grows in a pot with peat or any other baking powder, in which nutrients are practically absent. In addition, plants in shops are treated with special substances to give them a presentation. In such conditions, the plant can become infected with various microorganisms and quickly die. Therefore, as practice shows, having bought a room rose, it is necessary to transplant it, after preliminary preparing the plant for this process.

How to prepare a home rose for a transplant?

At the same time, it is not necessary to transplant the room rose on the day of purchase: it is necessary to give the flower time for acclimatization in new conditions. In a few days, the plant should be prevented from diseases and pests. To do this, wash with soapy water each leaf, especially its lower part, and then wash off the foam with clean running water. It will benefit the flower and contrast shower. First, immerse the rose for half an hour in a basin of water, and then pour for five minutes with warm water (not above + 40 ° C) and as much - cool. Remove all the inflorescences from your rose and it will be ready for the transplant.

Transplantation of an indoor rose

Gently remove the plant from the pot and, immersing its roots in a container of boiled water at room temperature, wash off the roots of the whole earth. So you remove all the chemistry that has remained on the flower.

As a rule, in order to transplant a home rose into a pot, it is necessary to choose a container, slightly larger than the previous one. This is especially important for the future flowering of the rose, since in a too large pot it will cease to bloom.

The soil for growing roses is best purchased in the store. Pot choose ceramic, having a drainage hole. Before planting, soak the pot for several hours in the water.

On the bottom lay drainage in the form of granules of expanded clay: large - on the bottom of the tank, small - on top. We fall asleep the ground mixed with fertilizer, plant the plant and cover the top with earth without feeding, gradually ramming it. Do not fill the pot with a pot up: the soil level with the planted rose should be 2 cm below the edge of the container.

Watering after planting a rose is not necessary, it is better to determine it for a day in a shaded place. Later you can put the flower in its permanent place, preferring the southern or eastern window. In hot weather, it is necessary to water a room rose under the root twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. Top dressing can begin about a month after the transplant.