Imodium for children

With problems of the gastrointestinal tract at least once in life, every person came across. And everyone knows that indigestion brings a lot of unpleasant moments. Many already know that one of the fastest and most effective drugs against diarrhea is imodium, the main constituent in which is loperamide.

It is produced in various forms: lyophilized tablets, tablets for resorption, capsules. Imodium is not produced only in the form of a suspension for children.

From this article you will learn how loperamide acts on the human body and whether it is possible to give imodium to children.

Imodium: the principle of action

Due to the influence of loperamide, the main active component of imodium, as a blocker for certain receptors located in the digestive organs, the motor function of the intestine decreases (an increase in the tone of the anal sphincter and rectum). As a result, undigested food stays longer in the gastrointestinal tract and the amount of urges decreases. What happens after taking the medicine:

The effect of the drug begins about an hour after its administration, and the greatest effect occurs in 4-6 hours.

Imodium: contraindications

The use of imodium is contraindicated in such diagnoses and situations as:

If you carefully read the instructions for this medicine, there is very often a restriction on the age of 6 years. But for children, especially up to a year, imodium in any dosage is deadly, since direct exposure to the smooth muscles of the intestine, to detain food there, causes paralysis of intestinal muscles. In very young children, in addition to this, there is a development of severe swelling of the abdominal cavity, which can lead to death. Proceeding from this, in order to prevent such consequences, it is better to start using imodium to treat older children, i.e. years from 12.

Imodium: side effects

Despite effective help with diarrhea, but more often with long-term imodium intake, a large number of side effects appear:

Is it possible to give imodium to children?

No! Since loperamide, which is part of the imodium, does not heal, but simply delays all the toxins inside the body and the child can only become worse. It is better to use other medicines to treat diarrhea in children: enterosgel or smecta , and keep it on a strict diet: broth on chicken legs, rice porridge on water, breadcrumbs, blueberry meringue, mint broth, without any vegetables, juices and fruits. But do not use diarrhea to self-medicate, but immediately you need to see a doctor.