Sore eyes of the child - than to treat at home?

If problems with the eyes have arisen in the newborn, then, most likely, we are dealing with complete or partial blockage of the tear duct, congenital dacryocystitis. The classic symptom is the sourness of the eye without the reddening of the eyelid. What to do if the baby has a faint eye? In this diagnosis, there is nothing terrible, it is treated. As a rule, a massage is enough to ensure that the permeability of the tubule in the baby is restored. Self-treatment should not be dealt with, but it is necessary to turn to a pediatric ophthalmologist. He will teach how to do the massage and tell you what to wash the glazik. If this does not help, then at the age of 2-3 months sounding the lacrimal canal. The procedure is not complicated, and after the treatment you will forget what the glaze of the eye is.

No, probably, people who did not have problems with their eyes as children - souring, redness, pain. In the article we will talk about conjunctivitis, i.e. inflammation of the mucosa. Consider how to treat the child's eyes, if he fester.

It should be noted that the causes of the disease are three, respectively, this disease is of the following types:

Depending on this, prescribe and treat the eyes. The difficulty of treatment is that the symptoms of all kinds of conjunctivitis are almost the same. To find out why the child's eyes are festering, if you analyze the events that preceded the disease. For example, a child played in the sand, after which the eyes turned red, or the baby was given a plush toy that could cause an allergic reaction. And perhaps the child has been ill with flu or sore throat. The analysis of events will allow to establish the correct kind of ailment.

If the inflammation of the eye is of a viral nature, then treatment is useless. The illness will pass by itself, when the body develops immunity. This will happen within 5-7 days. If we are dealing with allergic conjunctivitis (then the child has both glazes), then the lavage should be combined with taking antihistamines.

If conjunctivitis is bacterial, then the doctor prescribes local antibiotics.

Often parents do not rush to the oculist. Remember that only for 1-2 days you can fight the disease at home. Below we will answer in more detail the question: how to treat a child at home, if his eyes are festering?

What should I do if a child's eyes are very festering?

  1. Eyes rinse well with saline solution (1 teaspoon salt per liter of boiled water), broth chamomile or furatsilinom. It is important not to transfer the infection from one eye to another. Therefore, tampons should be separate for each eye. Rinse with a warm solution, gently peeling off the crusts. This procedure should be done often - every 2 hours for 1-2 days.
  2. How can you bury the eyes of a child, if they fester? Every 2-4 hours it is recommended to use disinfectant drops: Albucid (10% for newborns and 20% for older children); 0.25% solution of the drug Levomecitin, Kolbiotsin, Futsitalmik, Vitabakt and others.
  3. Children better tolerate ointments than drops, because they do not pinch their eyes. There are such ointments that will help with conjunctivitis: 1% Tetracycline, 1% Erythromycin, Tobrex.

Thus, we examined what can be washed and dripped eyes of the child, if they fester. The number of procedures can be reduced by 3-4 days, if the disease will be successful.

It is important to know that self-management is contraindicated if:

In these cases, you must immediately go with the child to the oculist.