Analysis for dysbacteriosis in infants - all features of the study

The small intestine of each person is inhabited by an individual set of microorganisms responsible for digestive processes and the functioning of the immune system. Dysbacteriosis (dysbiosis) is a change in the ratio of these microbes. According to the international classification of diseases, this condition is not considered pathology.

Dysbacteriosis in infants - reasons

During intrauterine development, the intestines of the child are completely sterile. When giving birth, the first microorganisms (from the mother) get into it. Their number and variety is gradually increasing due to breastfeeding, kissing and touching. These microbes form a normal microflora of the small intestine. Dysbacteriosis in a child can develop in the following cases:

Dysbacteriosis in the child - symptoms

It is not possible to detect the examined condition in the infant. Modern doctors emphasize that dysbiosis in a newborn is an incorrect diagnosis. The microflora in babies is just beginning to form, so it's wrong to draw any conclusions about her condition. The quantitative and qualitative indices of the intestinal biocenosis are very individual and constantly changing, they can not be adequately assessed even in an adult.

In severe cases of microflora disorders, there are clear signs, but in this situation they speak of acute bacterial infections, not dysbiosis. Specific symptoms of pathology:

It is important not to confuse intestinal infection with the standard adaptation of the baby's digestive system to new conditions. For babies, the following manifestations are quite normal:

What analyzes hand over on a dysbacteriosis to the child?

Gastroenterologists and pediatricians prescribe a laboratory study of the contents of the diaper. The classic analysis of feces on a dysbacteriosis in a baby is not very informative, and some progressive doctors call it absolutely meaningless. Necessary microorganisms are located on the parietal mucosa of the intestine. They ensure normal digestion of food and absorption of useful chemical compounds into the bloodstream. Feces form in the lumen of the intestine from the waste remains of food.

Analysis for dysbacteriosis in infants has one more drawback - when in contact with air, which inevitably occurs when collecting stool, most of the anaerobic microbes die. Their concentration in the results of a standard bacteriological study is always understated and does not reflect reality. If the material was delivered to the laboratory after the recommended dates, anaerobic microorganisms do not remain in it.

A more informative analysis is a biochemical study of faeces. In the process of its implementation, bacteria are not counted, but the concentration of products of their vital activity is determined. All microbes release metabolites of volatile fatty acids (propionic, acetic, oily). Having ascertained their volume, it is possible to assume the qualitative and quantitative ratio of microflora.

What does the analysis show for a dysbacteriosis in a baby?

The theoretically described study should provide information on the biocenosis in the intestine. In practice, bacteriological analysis reflects only the microbial composition of the stool. This diagnosis of dysbiosis is similar to the discussion of furniture in the apartment on the basis of the contents of the bin. Biochemical research helps to draw conclusions about the current state of microflora, but it is impossible to judge how normal it is for a specific child.

How to take the test for a dysbacteriosis in infants?

For the procedure under consideration, it is necessary to bring the most fresh morning feces received in the laboratory, not earlier than 2 hours. How to pass the test for a dysbiosis to a child:

  1. For 4-7 days before collecting the material, do not introduce new products into the baby's diet.
  2. Temporarily exclude the taking of any medications, especially those affecting digestion. Do not enter a candle, do not put enemas.
  3. Collect at least 8-10 g of feces.
  4. Place it in a special sterile container with a lid.
  5. Immediately take the feces to the laboratory. If it's hot outside, use a refrigeration bag or bag.

The analysis on a dysbacteriosis at grudnichka - how to collect?

Cal from a disposable diaper in this case, it is undesirable to hand over. Pediatricians recommend performing an analysis of the dysbacteriosis in the baby from the maximally pure biological material without impurities. This will require a certain inventory and care of parents. How correctly to hand over the analysis on a dysbacteriosis to a babe:

  1. If the baby croaks at a certain time, it is necessary during this period to remove the diaper from it and put it on a clean oilcloth. After evacuation of the intestine, collect feces.
  2. To accelerate the process of defecation will help massage, gymnastics (podgibanie legs to the navel), laying on the stomach.
  3. When the crumbs have problems with the bowel movement, they will have to stimulate it. It is necessary to place the child on a clean oilcloth and insert a sterile gas discharge tube into the anus at 0.5-1 cm. The end of the device is smeared with vaseline oil. Within 3-5 minutes, the bowel has to be emptied.
  4. The resulting biomaterial is collected by a spoon, which comes complete with a medical container.

Analysis of feces for dysbiosis - decoding in children

Explain the results of laboratory research should a specialist, independent attempts to do this and begin treatment will not lead to anything good. Parents should not take too seriously the analysis of dysbiosis in infants - deciphering the composition of stool does not reflect the real state of flora in the intestine. While the biocenosis is in the process of becoming, even the pathogenic microorganisms can be present in the feces of the baby, without harming the baby's health.

Interpretation of the analysis for dysbacteriosis in infants - the norm

It was mentioned above that the composition of the intestinal microflora is individual and in the case of young children its definition is meaningless. These indicators are presented for informational purposes. Laboratory norms of analysis for dysbacteriosis in infants:

Enterococci in the analysis for dysbacteriosis in infants

This kind of microorganisms is necessary for proper digestion of carbohydrates, production of vitamins and support of immunity. It is good, if they were revealed by the analysis on a dysbacteriosis - decoding at children with admissible value of enterococci testifies to correct digestion of food and normal colonization of an intestine necessary microbes. When the described bacteria is more than the established index, it is also not terrible. Analysis for dysbacteriosis in infants is a relative diagnostic parameter. Exceeding the generally accepted norms is not considered a sign of the disease.

Clostridia in the analysis of dysbacteriosis in infants

Presented microbes are involved in protein processing. They release special chemicals that stimulate the intestinal peristalsis, and provide regular evacuation of stool. Analysis for dysbiosis in children must contain in the results of clostridia. Do not worry if their number is higher or lower than normal. The concentration of these microorganisms varies depending on the volume of protein consumed by the baby.

Proliferation in an analysis of a child's dysbiosis

This term often frightens young parents, but there is nothing dangerous in it. Proliferation is often indicated when an analysis is performed on the intestinal dysbacteriosis - decoding in children means that the amount of some microbes exceeds the normal value. Colonies of these microorganisms are prone to active growth and reproduction under favorable conditions.

Do I need to treat a dysbacteriosis in a baby?

This condition is not a disease, therefore, it does not need therapy. Progressive pediatricians do not even prescribe an analysis of feces for a dysbacteriosis in a child, considering it uninformative. While the baby is growing, the intestinal microflora is constantly changing, adapting to new food. It will finally be established already in adulthood. Analysis of faeces for dysbacteriosis in infants is meaningful only if there is a suspicion of an acute intestinal infection , but in such cases, there are specific symptoms.