Physiotherapy in gynecology

Physiotherapy is one of the most important components in the prevention, as well as the treatment of gynecological problems. Procedures having a physiotherapeutic nature are not only as effective as possible, but are also minimally dangerous for the female body. That is why physiotherapy is often used not only as an auxiliary, but also as the main means of treating gynecological diseases.

At present, the following physiotherapy procedures are most often used in gynecology: the use of electric and magnetic fields, the use of electric current, the use of ultrasound, light treatment (phototherapy), and manual massage. Often used physiotherapy laser in gynecology, which allows you to eliminate inflammation, anesthetize, strengthen tissue regeneration.

Physiotherapy in gynecology is prescribed under the following conditions:

Physiotherapy in obstetrics and gynecology

Physiotherapeutic procedures can be used both during pregnancy (if the doctor prescribes such treatment) and after childbirth. During pregnancy, physiotherapy can be used to treat early toxicosis, the threat of termination of pregnancy due to high uterus tone. After childbirth, physiotherapeutic procedures help reduce the likelihood of inflammation, accelerate the healing of sutures, cure nipple cracks and mastitis.

Physiotherapy magnet in gynecology

Magnetotherapy is a physiotherapeutic method of treatment, which is often used to treat inflammations in gynecology. In this case, the woman's body is affected by a low-frequency magnetic field, which is created artificially, and therefore can be variable or constant, impulsive (intermittent) or continuous, low- or high-frequency. A low-frequency magnetic field makes it possible to accelerate the oxidation and reduction reactions inside the cell, and improves blood supply. In addition, the magnetic field can reduce pain, have an anti-inflammatory effect, reduce swelling of tissues, stimulate regenerative processes.

Physiotherapy in gynecology with adhesions

Physiotherapeutic procedures, conducted after surgical interventions, allow not to allow the formation of adhesions in the organs of the female reproductive system. Often with spikes, physiotherapy is prescribed in order to relieve the pain from the adhesion process.

CMT-physiotherapy in gynecology

CMT-physiotherapy, that is, the use of sinusoidal modulated currents, is often used in gynecology. The essence of this method consists in using a weak alternating current that affects muscles and nerves, reflexively relieves pain, activates peripheral blood flow, improves nutrition of tissues, stimulates development new vessels. The CMT method is used in gynecology to eliminate functional disorders and inflammatory processes.

Physiotherapy in gynecology with infertility

With infertility, physiotherapy can increase the flow of blood to the pelvic organs, eliminate pain from adhesions in the fallopian tubes , which can be the cause of infertility. After surgery to eliminate the causes of infertility, physiotherapy will achieve the best results of healing, recovery. In addition, it relieves pain and prevents spikes from forming.

So, physiotherapy in gynecology is something that should not be abandoned if there are no contraindications.