Why can not we look at the funeral through the window?

People have always been interested in and afraid of death at the same time, so many different conjectures and superstitions are associated with it. For example, one should understand one of the most common prohibitions - why not look out the window when the funeral . It is worth noting that superstitions appeared in ancient times, and they could have come down to our days in a slightly reworked form, but their meaning has remained unchanged.

Why can not we look at the funeral through the window?

Death is something unidentified for a person, therefore it carries a certain threat, causing fear. The Slavs considered window and door openings as a certain boundary between the physical and the astral world. This face is not strong, and it is very easy to overcome it. Looking at the funeral procession, a person as if attracts the attention of death.

Another meaning of the signs, why one can not look at a funeral while at home, is due to the fact that in ancient times people respected the funeral ceremony, and one could not stay at home during the procession. Among the people there was an opinion that if to violate the existing ban, then the person will fall into different problems and troubles.

Finding out whether it is possible to look at a funeral from a window, you can not miss the mystical reasons known to magicians. It is believed that after the death of the soul for another 40 days is on the ground, watching people around. If a person watches from the window behind a funeral procession, it can anger the soul, and she will want to take revenge by taking it with her. Glass in this case is a kind of catalyst that can enhance the magical effect of the omens . It is most dangerous to look at a funeral for a child whose energy is still weak and the spirit can easily hurt him.

Speaking on the topic - whether you can look at the funeral through the window, you should mention another significance of this sign, according to which a person through the glass can take over the destiny of the deceased. As a result, he will have to live a similar fate, be sick with the same diseases and die at the same age.

What is the right thing to do during a funeral procession?

If a person believes in signs and does not want to call for trouble, it is necessary to close the curtains during the funeral. It is also recommended to turn away so as not to accidentally look at the funeral procession. It is best to mentally join the grieving people and express our condolences. You can pray for the departing soul. If possible, it is recommended that you leave the house and go through the funeral procession for several meters, expressing your condolences.