Salt is good and bad

Recently, the media often talk about the harm of table salt, offering to limit or exclude its consumption from the diet. In this case, it is often forgotten to mention that without salt, the normal life activity of a person is simply impossible.


For a long time salt was revered and valued in weight of gold. And it's not just its properties that give food a special vivid taste. It turns out that salt is useful for such important human organs as the heart, liver and pancreas.

The benefit of salt lies in its composition. The usual salt, which is in the kitchen of each hostess, contains only two elements - sodium and chlorine. These substances help the body to deliver oxygen and nutrients to cells, participate in metabolic processes, supply the heart with blood, control blood pressure. However, sodium does not accumulate in the body, so its reserves must be constantly replenished. Salt, can not be better suited for such work.


Unfortunately, as well as good, the harm of table salt also lies in its composition. In recent years, the trend towards salt consumption has increased due to the variety of finished products in the store. Chips, canned food, semi-finished products , sauces and many other products in its composition have a large amount of salt. If we add it to the one we are running the products at home, then in aggregate will be more than the person needs. The constant excess of sodium and chlorine in the body ensures edema, cardiac dysfunction, dehydration, malfunction of the nervous system and the body as a whole. That is why the debate about the benefits and harm of table salt for so long does not abate.

For those who like to add salt to their products, they should pay attention to sea salt, the benefits and harm of which, even though it interferes with table salt, has a completely different effect on it. In addition to sodium and chlorine, sea salt is rich in elements such as:

Of course, this is not a complete line-up. In various quantities, sea salt contains almost the entire periodic table, which explains its uniqueness. Consumption of such salt can improve the protective functions of the body, normalize the work of the hematopoietic system, relieve fungal diseases, calm the nervous system. Unlike table salt, the sea does not retain fluid in the body, but it should not be abused, it's not for nothing that they say: "it's not enough on the table, it's on the back," he said. Therefore, adding salt to the dishes, use the rule: it is better not to salt, than to overdo it.