
Externality and internality is the designation of the mechanisms of social control over one's life. In psychology, internality is a property of personality, inherent in people who take responsibility for what happens to them, for their actions on themselves. This quality reflects the level of subjective control. Is in close connection with the development of personal responsibility.

High internality indicates a sufficient level of adaptation. A person realizes that his life depends on himself, he has the ability to change the environment and manage it. He also has an adequate perception of the surrounding world and an easy adaptation in society.

Externals are people who are focused on luck, chance, luck. Internals rely on skill and skill. These two concepts are not mutually exclusive. They, in turn, are associated with cultural traditions: the east contributes to the formation of the external type of personality, and the western culture of the internal. Interesting facts Internationalism in the field of achievements of men and women is associated with emotional stability. From the determination of men and women depends responsibility for their behavior in the field of interpersonal relations. According to studies conducted by psychologists and sociologists, the satisfaction with marriage is directly related to the degree of manifestation of human internality:

People of this type show less aggression, are more benevolent, have patience and tact, they can be called "the soul of the company."

What are the advantages of internals?

Such people do not take self-confidence, they have a meaning and purpose in life. A person who is responsible for himself and is responsible for his activities, knows how to achieve what he wants. Do not give up in a difficult situation and do not lose hope allows faith in your own capabilities. Anyone who relies on fate, luck and so on depends on the circumstances, obeys them and does not try to change anything. Their life credo is quite simple: "Everything is predetermined, you can not escape fate". In fact, a person, therefore, justifies his laziness and inaction. In order to live a decent life you need to work hard, and above all on yourself.