How to get rid of addiction to a man?

One of the most severe forms of dependence is dependence on a person. This is especially familiar to women who are too hung up on a loved one. How to get rid of addiction to a man will prompt advice of psychologists.

How to get rid of emotional and psychological dependence on men

Psychological and emotional dependence on men is more characteristic of women indecisive, in need of constant support and care. Pathological psychological fusion with a man makes an already weak woman even more vulnerable and nervous.

Recognize a woman's dependence on a man can be on the following grounds:

Women who have recognized themselves in these symptoms are advised to urgently begin to get rid of dependence on men. However, the most difficult stage is the recognition of the existence of the problem. A dependent woman is inclined to doubt, and help her to make a decision for the relatives, who must point out that the relationship is delivered only by problems and extends life force.

When a woman realizes that the focus of her attention is shifted to a man, she must analyze the relationship and understand what the male characteristics cause in her dependence. Learn this will help and analysis of previous relationships, tk. inclined to dependence women usually choose a certain type of men.

If a woman does not want to part with this man, she should clearly identify her own boundaries, increase her self-confidence , get rid of the accumulated emotional debris. An important step is talking with a man, splashing out all the unsaid things, the things that tormented the woman.

The last thing a dependent woman needs to do is find herself. And this point is the most difficult and laborious. It is necessary to look at dependent relationships and realize everything they have been deprived of: studies in another city, travel with friends, good relationships with friends and relatives. A woman should "draw" an image of herself and strive for his incarnation. And, ideally, to avoid the men, causing her psychological and emotional dependence.