Psychopathy - signs in women

Psychopathy is a psychiatric term denoting changes that have occurred in a person's character due to a number of circumstances. In this case, a person is in a state that does not allow him to live a normal life in society: it causes trouble not only to others, but also to those who suffer from psychopathy, that is, personality disorder. This condition can be typical of men and women, but we will pay attention to the fairer sex, since they have a more subtle nervous and emotional organization.

Types of psychopathy

Psychopathy has certain symptoms that women have their manifestations:

  1. With paranoid psychopathy, women have a selfish, self-willed character. If they set a goal for themselves, then for the sake of achieving it they are ready to "go through the corpses". They are vindictive, jealous and vindictive.
  2. Signs of the schizoid psychopathic woman is closedness, immersion in her own inner world, lack of desire for communication, coquetry.
  3. The main signs of psychopathy of asthenic type in women are manifested in a mass of complexes and fears, constant self-coping and self-flagellation, as well as a painful attitude even to friendly criticism. However, such a woman at home will feel comfortable if the reins are taken by a man and solves all family problems. The place of the leader in the family, she willingly yields to her husband.
  4. Hysterical psychopathy, the signs of which are manifested in women, can look like a permanent spectacle of one actor, or rather, an actress. The whole life of such a woman is built on emotional "ideas", the main purpose of which is to become the center of attention of people around at any cost. They are armed with a wide range of manipulations: from feigned tears and promises to commit suicide, to a bright change of image and manner of behavior. They are not familiar with common sense, their main driving force is emotions .

The main signs of psychopathy

There are 3 signs of a psychopath:

In addition, psychopathy has manifestations in the asthenic, excitable and unstable type. Signs of psychopathy in women leave an imprint on their behavior:

  1. Female Asthenics are weak defenseless creatures, who always get everything from their hands, so they are not suitable for any work. They quickly get tired, regardless of whether they are engaged in mental or physical labor. They are subject to someone else's influence, they never have their own opinion. Often become the object of manipulation in other people's games.
  2. An agitated psychopath - antipode asthenichki: she is obstinate and intractable, can argue hoarsely, defending her opinion. Often they are scandalous and intractable. At the same time, they are good employees, not devoid of creativity and responsibility for the assigned work.
  3. An unstable type is characterized by a desire for adventure, a beautiful life, extraordinary actions, shocking. Women of this type are looking for men, relationships with whom will be a bright adventure, but in their plans, as a rule, do not include long-term relationships, marriage, the birth of children.

Signs of a female psychopath are characterized by differences in behavior, which are colored by emotional experiences and unique ideas about the society and its place in it. Their main difference is immersion in their own world and personal experiences. They are often inclined to inappropriate actions and emotional assessments of events.