How to understand your feelings?

Any person, as is known, is not only a physically existing biological object (organism), he has a mind, soul and spirit. And more feelings. It can be said that feelings are processes and at the same time means of internal regulation of human activity that reflect certain meanings of the individual's relationship to objects and phenomena (both real and imagined, abstract, generalized). Feelings are necessarily recognized by man as subjective experiences, often unconsciously.

It often happens that a person does not know how to understand their feelings. So sometimes it happens that not only, for example, young girls, but quite mature men and women do not always immediately know how to understand themselves in this or that situation. Such situations arise when a person experiences simultaneously conflicting feelings.

About intuition

People do not always understand how they really treat other people, beings, objects and phenomena. For example, it happens, a person can not understand whether he really is in love or whether he only thinks so. In such cases, people can try to consult with others, or, conversely, trust only their intuition. It is impossible to say unequivocally how best to act in this or that case. Probably, it is better to combine these methods and analyze the information received. And yet, the last word - for intuition. Intuition is not a random whim or image, but the result of deep mental and mental work.

To help yourself, try to figure it out:

Work on yourself

Formulate questions to yourself and try to answer intelligently. Listen to yourself, track and analyze your feelings at different times for some time, if this is possible and, as they say, not to the detriment, try not to make a decision right away. Constructiveness, calmness and a sense of harmony with the world are the best conditions and conditions for acquiring understanding and vision of truth.

Try to formulate and record (that is, to realize) your deep thoughts in the form of short logical forms. If necessary, speak and write down. Be attentive to the nuances. Strain your mind, mind and attention .

Only in harmony and tranquility, in silence and in the depth of your own soul you will find the true warmth of primary human senses.