Intestinal bleeding

The appearance of blood in the feces is not the norm and always speaks of an inflammatory process in which not only the intestines but also the stomach can be involved.

Causes and symptoms of bleeding

The causes of intestinal bleeding, as a rule, are diseases of the colon or small intestine, as well as the anus. Consider what diseases can provoke this problem.


In thrombosis of hemorrhoids, the appearance of their rupture is possible.

Cracks or microflora of the rectum

Very often such damage occurs as a result of constipation or prolonged diarrhea and is accompanied by pain during bowel emptying. The allocation of blood for this reason is small, and can be seen only on toilet paper.

Malignant formations

Tumors cause bleeding, which contains clusters of bright red color.

Polyps and polypectomy

Polyps themselves rarely cause bleeding, but their danger lies in the possible degeneration of this tumor into a cancerous tumor. Polypectomy - an operation to remove polyps - can be complicated by the appearance of an ulcer at the site of a distant polyp and causes intestinal bleeding. As a rule, healing such sores occurs in the period from several days to 2-3 weeks.


This is an acquired or congenital pathology in the form of accumulation of blood vessels. Bleeding with this disease does not cause pain, but it can cause anemia.

Inflammation of the large or small intestine

These diseases are also called colitis and proctitis, respectively. In such cases, intestinal bleeding has such additional symptoms as diarrhea and abdominal pain.

Congenital anomaly

Meckel's diverticulum is the most common cause of intestinal bleeding in adolescents.

First aid and treatment of intestinal bleeding

Here's what you should do if you notice signs of bleeding from the intestine:

  1. Regardless of the amount of blood produced, if intestinal bleeding occurs, you should turn to the clinic to determine the true cause.
  2. With a small amount of blood in the stool, it is sufficient to use a tampon or a gasket, and also to collect a small amount of feces for analysis.
  3. With abundant intestinal hemorrhage, immediately call an ambulance and provide peace to the person. Transportation of a person with obvious signs of intestinal bleeding is carried out in a horizontal position.
  4. Especially it should be noted that with intestinal bleeding it is desirable to refuse eating, but the drink should be frequent and small portions.

The main treatment for intestinal bleeding consists of such manipulations:

Depending on the severity of the disease and the condition of a person, the following apply: