Immunoenzyme analysis of blood

Immunoenzyme analysis of blood - a study by which to determine the quantitative and qualitative composition of antigens and antibodies. ELISA is a method used in a variety of medical fields, but most often it diagnoses infectious diseases, for example, HIV , hepatitis, herpes and sexually transmitted diseases.

The principle of carrying out an enzyme immunoassay

Immunoenzyme analysis of blood for tuberculosis, allergy or the presence of parasites is carried out, since it is he who determines the complete allergic, as well as hormonal status of the patient. This method gives 90% accuracy.

The human immune system, when ingested into a foreign antigen, produces specific proteins called antibodies to kill the disease. Antibodies, as it were, bind to antigens, thereby forming unique antigen / antibody complexes. A detailed interpretation of the immune-enzyme analysis of the blood shows how exactly this complex is. For example, in cases where it is necessary to identify one specific virus in the blood (or, to be more precise, its antigen), an antibody specific to the virus is added to it.

Explanation of analysis results

Results of an enzyme immunoassay indicated the presence of immunoglobulin G? This is the norm, since such an indicator means that the causative agent of the disease really was in the body, but at the same time the antibodies to it had already been developed and the patient does not need any treatment.

In the case when the infection is primary, and in the patient's blood after an enzyme immunoassay for allergy or other diseases, immunoglobulins of class M are detected, therapeutic measures must be carried out necessarily. But if the results of this diagnosis confirmed the presence of antibodies of classes M and G, this indicates that the disease is already in acute stages and the patient requires immediate therapy.

Advantages of an enzyme immunoassay

The advantages of an enzyme immunoassay for parasites, HIV, venereal and oncological diseases and other ailments is that this diagnostic method:

The only downside of this analysis is that in some cases the ELISA produces false-negative or false-positive results. That is why the decoding of the results should be handled only by a highly qualified specialist.