Intestinal Tumor - Symptoms

The work of the gastrointestinal tract directly affects the state of the whole organism, because it plays such an important role as the assimilation of useful components, the digestion of food and the excretion of metabolic products. Tumors in it are found less often than in other organs.

An intestinal tumor can not manifest any symptoms for a long time. It can develop due to unbalanced nutrition, hereditary predisposition and other factors. Many experts consider the cause of the development of pathological formations of intestinal trauma and hereditary predisposition. Most of the tumors affect people over forty-five years old.

Symptoms of a large intestine tumor

The tumor of the large intestine, depending on the location, can manifest itself in a variety of symptoms.

When localization on the right side of the ailment is accompanied by:

When the formation is located on the left side, the patient suffers from:

In this pathology is formed gradually.

Symptoms of a small intestine tumor

Tumor of the small intestine can for a long time not make itself felt. The patient is noted nausea and flatulence. Over time, as the tumor grows, the general state of health worsens, the patient becomes thin. Because of the compression, accompanying diseases develop:

Symptoms of a malignant tumor of the intestine

The most common cause of the disease is unsuccessful polyps. The main feature of the ailment is the absence of symptoms at first. Only as the tumor spreads, the following signs become noticeable:

Despite the fact that at this stage, many methods of fighting with pathology have been developed, due to late treatment to the doctor the probability of recovery is rather small.

Symptoms of a benign intestinal tumor

With such ailment, people who have reached the age of fifty and who are overweight often often encounter. Approximately half of all formations are formed in the large intestine. If you do not take any measures, then some of them can degenerate into a malignant form.

In the latent period of development, the signs do not manifest themselves in any way. A tumor can accidentally show up when treating another disease. In the future, the patient is noted:

In serious cases, the disease is complicated by bleeding, which in time provokes anemia.