Lanterns for cottages

Illumination of the country plot is an integral attribute of the present. Long gone are the days when people did not consider it necessary to cover the night streets. Today, the desire for comfort and a beautiful glow in the night dictates its demands. Therefore, lanterns for dachas are simply necessary.

Night lights for summer residence

There are many varieties of street lamps applicable in private construction. They vary depending on the purpose - whether it's lighting a dark section, or simply decorative illumination.

In addition, all the lanterns are divided according to the method of attachment and location to hanging and wall street lights for dachas, as well as floating, portable and ground. The most common wall and pendant lanterns, hanging on pillars-supports or hanging from arches and crossbeams.

Street wall lights for dachas are compact and functional. They illuminate the entrance to the house, porch, veranda , the territory of other buildings on the site. Their task - to protect people from injuries, the risk of which in the dark at times increases.

Lamps on the supports can be of different heights and intensity of illumination. The simplest and cheapest models are located close to the ground and feed on solar energy, shining in the night by themselves, like fireflies. They, along with floating and ground lanterns for giving, rather refer to decorative, because they create a beautiful picture, but there is little light from them.

If you need to lighten a path or a part of the territory, you need more solid lanterns, like city streets, only more decorative and compact. The most common of these are forged lanterns and for dachas.

The difference between street lamps by the type of lamps

By the nature of the light source used, all street lights can be divided into flashlights with a conventional incandescent lamp, with an energy-saving light bulb, LED lights for giving and operating on battery lamps powered by solar energy.

Requirements for street lights

First of all, you only need to buy lanterns intended for street use. They must withstand temperature changes, precipitation and other environmental influences.

Special lanterns are made of materials adapted to such operating conditions. In addition, they are not afraid of high humidity, since the lamp in them, as a rule, is reliably protected by the bubble.

When buying is not worth saving money, it is better to immediately buy quality lights, so that in the future not have problems with them.