Astheno-neurotic syndrome

Astheno-neurotic syndrome is a group of symptoms that arise due to constant physical and mental overstrain. Asthenic-neurotic syndrome is most susceptible to people with a labile psyche, who react emotionally to the outside world and have frequent changes of mood.

An astheno-neurotic syndrome can also occur due to a violation of the level of hormones due to thyroid pathologies - in hyperthyroidism, when a person reacts violently to the environment and sudden laughter replaces an equally unexpected crying. Head trauma and poisoning can also contribute to the development of astheno-neurotic syndrome.

Symptoms of Asthenic-Neurotic Syndrome

Asthenic-neurotic syndrome has a very wide range of symptoms, and this depends on the severity of the disease, the duration of its course, the mental characteristics of the person and physical health. Especially important is the parameter of adaptation to weather, social and other conditions. With poor adaptive ability, the astheno-neurotic syndrome is more pronounced.

Common symptoms of asthenic-neurotic syndrome:

How to treat asthenic-neurotic syndrome?

The success of treatment of astheno-neurotic syndrome by 50% depends on the patient himself. Even when a doctor prescribes medicines to eliminate symptoms and causes, a person must himself make efforts to work on himself, because this is half the success in recovery.

Treatment of astheno-neurotic syndrome can be divided into three categories:

The doctor only deals with the first point of treatment, the other two patients must do it themselves.


A pronounced astheno-neurotic syndrome can be treated with antidepressants. It is believed that modern antidepressants are not addictive, but it is impossible to predict exactly how the psyche reacts to them. Therefore, this group of drugs should be taken only in very extreme and neglected cases.

A pronounced astheno-neurotic syndrome is also treated with tranquilizers and sedatives:

These drugs do not affect the ability to drive, and therefore a person can take them for a month, without disturbing the way of their life.

In the astheno-neurotic syndrome, sedative teas based on valerian and vitamin B complexes are also shown.

The treatment of asteno-neurotic syndrome

When asteno-neurotic syndrome is very important to lead an active lifestyle - do daily walks (at least an hour), take a contrast shower, go to bed early and wake up early. Change of impressions and joyful emotions is the right way to recovery.

Sports can be used as a method of treatment in the middle of the course, when the body has already begun to recover. Especially with this syndrome, yoga is effective.

Psychological treatment of astheno-neurotic syndrome

Psychological work on oneself helps to make psychic reactions stable. A person must understand what caused the disease - is it only intellectual and physical overload? Often astheno-neurotic syndrome has a psychological underpinning - disappointment in themselves or the environment, the inability to realize any idea. This inner dissatisfaction and disappointment must be removed with the help of psychological techniques.

The consequences of astheno-neurotic syndrome

Astheno-neurotic syndrome can develop into panic attacks, which occur regularly and are very pronounced. These attacks suddenly begin with a sense of anxiety and fear, the patient is confident of his imminent death, he may be sick, there may be a disorder of the stool, etc. The attack ends as suddenly as it begins and is accompanied by profuse urination.