Nitroxoline - indications for use

In most cases, the cause of diseases are microbes and fungi of various types. They live in any organism and in small amounts of serious harm can not cause health. But with the slightest disruption in the normal functioning of the immune system, pathogenic microbes begin to multiply actively, which can be fraught with serious problems. Nitroxoline is indicated for use just in cases when the disease was provoked by the activity of microbes, fungi or other harmful microorganisms.

Indications for the use of Nitroxoline tablets

To date, Nitroxoline is considered one of the best drugs with a strong antimicrobial effect. The product has a wide spectrum of action, it can be used to treat absolutely different diseases for both children and adults.

The wide use of Nitroxoline is completely justified. The drug works very effectively, without causing harm to health. The principle of the drug is very simple: Nitroxoline inhibits the multiplication of cells of pathogenic microbes, affecting them with a special enzyme complex. By themselves, without multiplying, the cells live a short life and die.

And do not worry: Nitroxoline treatment does not harm healthy cells of the body at all. Due to the special composition, the agent can act solely on pathogenic cells, without touching the normal vital.

Nitroxoline is indicated for use in the following cases:

1. This is an excellent tool for the treatment of infectious diseases that affect the genito-urinary organs:

2. To the stronger sex, Nitroxoline helps in the fight against:

3. Often the drug is used for carcinomas.

4. Nitroxoline is used not only for treatment, but also for preventive purposes. Many specialists prescribe medication to people:

Some doctors prefer Nitroxoline to other drugs in the treatment of acute viral diseases, such as, for example, influenza, bronchitis. Really effective treatment can be only if the disease is caused by a microbe or a bacterium. Therefore, before starting Nitroxoline, it is recommended that you consult with a specialist.

Dosage and Administration Nitroxoline

So far, there is only one dosage form of Nitroxoline - in tablets. They are intended for internal reception. All tablets are covered with a sweet shell of yellow and orange. The active substance in the drug - nitroxoline - in each tablet is contained in an amount of 50 mg.

The course of treatment is selected individually. The duration of it depends on the overall picture of the disease and the patient's state of health. In general, it is recommended to take two tablets four times a day. The maximum daily dose of the drug for an adult person should not exceed 0.8 grams, for a child - half as much. The traditional course of treatment lasts two to three weeks. Even if the disease has not receded, re-treatment can be done only a couple of weeks after the first course.

Nitroxoline treatment of cystitis

For the treatment of cystitis tablets Nitroxoline is the number one remedy. If they encountered the disease for the first time, it is recommended to drink the drug according to the usual scheme - four times a day - but it is desirable to observe equal intervals for taking tablets. Nitroxoline is needed every four hours - in this case, the effect of the drug will be maximum.

The minimum course is two weeks. Even if the symptoms disappear earlier, stop drinking pills can not.