Slimming tea "Flying Swallow"

Many people who are overweight are constantly in search of various methods to deal with it. Now, various food additives are gaining popularity, which drown out the feeling of hunger and, moreover, have a diuretic or laxative effect. The most purchased is the slimming tea "Flying Swallow" , it is available in the form of sachets and is easy to brew. Producers argue that this product is designed specifically to combat excess weight, the annotation states that using this drink, you can improve the whole body and heal some of the therapeutic diseases, namely, cleanse the kidneys, liver, digestive and circulatory system, remove slags and toxins and even help with hypertension. Among the most popular types of tea, "Flying Swallow" is distinguished by two, original and Siberian tea. They differ from each other in the formulations, but the indications for use are practically the same.

Tea consists only of natural raw materials:

With regular use, the manufacturer promises an amazing effect: visible weight loss of up to 10 kg and even some rejuvenation of the body.

Recommendations for use

First of all, tea for slimming "Swallow" is used by people with excess weight and those who want to cleanse the body. Studies have shown good results when used by people with diabetes mellitus, chronic constipation, hemorrhoids, osteochondrosis and arthrosis and even cancers of the intestine.


Tea for weight loss «Siberian swallow»

The biological active additive, which is this tea, helps not only to lose weight, but also to improve the body. The drink has the following useful properties:

Recommendations for use

This tea can be drunk with:

The composition of the "Swallow" tea for weight loss

The effectiveness of phyto tea is based on the following components:

Recommendations for use

Tea is produced in sachets, it is brewed in a glass of boiling water and after 15 minutes can be consumed. The best time is one hour after dinner.

Whatever manufacturers say, food supplements are medicines with a diuretic and laxative effect, and no one without a certain education can predict the reaction of the body to them. Therefore, if you still decide to start using this product, consult your physician beforehand to avoid unnecessary consequences, namely abdominal pain, beriberi, chronic intestinal disorder, edema, psychological addiction. Remember that together with water all useful substances come out of the body, so once again think well before starting such treatment.