Placental abruption in early pregnancy

Detachment of the placenta in the early stages of pregnancy is perhaps the most common threat for premature interruption - abortion. In this case, it is customary to distinguish 3 forms of this violation: light, medium and heavy. The diagnosis is made according to the area of ​​the child's place that has peeled off from the inner layer of the uterus.

What causes placental abruption?

The reasons for detachment of the placenta in the early stages of pregnancy are many. Thus, the following factors influence the development of such a disorder:

It is the correct definition of the cause of the development of such a disorder that plays a key role in the appointment of treatment.

How does detachment of the placenta manifest?

Signs of violation in the early stages of pregnancy are hidden, so a small detachment of the placenta is rarely diagnosed. Usually this happens at a regular, scheduled US examination.

Symptoms of such a violation that should make a woman alert and seek medical advice are usually the following:

  1. Allocations from the vagina are bloody. In this case, there is a directly proportional relationship between the degree of abnormality of the placenta and the volume of blood produced, i.e. at the initial stages of isolation are usually meager, so a woman often does not attach importance to them.
  2. Pain sensations, mainly in the lower abdomen, are also a mandatory symptom of this disorder. The nature of the same pain is quite diverse: from dull, aching, to sharp, giving off in the thigh or groin. This is most often observed with the opening of internal bleeding.
  3. The increase of the uterine tone can also be a sign of the beginning of placental abruption.

In addition to the main signs of the disease listed above, it is customary to single out the so-called additional signs, among which:

If any of these symptoms occur, you should consult your doctor for advice.

What is the danger of detachment of the placenta and how is it determined?

Very important in solving this problem has a timely diagnosis of the violation. It is carried out with the help of ultrasound. In addition, during the diagnosis, the doctor examines the vagina and cervix to determine whether the damage to the uterine neck is a cause of bleeding, the presence of a tumor, infection, etc.

The most sad consequence of a large placental abruption in the early stages of pregnancy is fetal death. It occurs as a result of the disruption of the gas exchange process, which is carried out through the utero-placental system, those. Fetal hypoxia occurs.

However, with the timely detection of a partial placental abruption in the early stages of pregnancy, the situation can be saved. As a rule, a woman is placed in a hospital, where she is under constant medical supervision and receives the necessary medications.

Thus, in most cases, if detachment is detected in the early stages, the prognosis for the future mother and child is favorable. With the observance of all medical recommendations and instructions, pregnancy can keep and tolerate a healthy baby.