Oatmeal weight loss diet

No wonder our parents forced us to eat breakfast for oatmeal porridge, and all because of the fact that it contains many useful substances. But today there is not necessarily only porridge, because producers produce cookies, bread, muesli based on all those same oat flakes. Given this, the oat diet for weight loss has become very popular among the female population.

Let's look at the benefits of oatmeal:

  1. A great product for cleansing the body of toxins and toxins.
  2. Ideal product for the normalization of the work of the stomach and metabolism.
  3. A storehouse of vitamins and trace elements, this list includes: vitamins of group B, PP, E, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, iron and sodium. In addition, the flakes contain amino acids useful for the body.
  4. Oatmeal is recommended for use in ulcers, gastritis and other digestive diseases.
  5. Helps maintain the skin in perfect condition, as well as strengthen the immune system.
  6. And most importantly, you can get rid of extra pounds.

One of the main conditions that must be met to get good results from the oat diet is to cleanse the body. For this you can choose any method suitable for you, for example, unloading days on apples or kefir. It is very popular to use rice to cleanse the body: for this you need to soak all night long 4 tablespoons. spoons of rice in 1 liter of water. In the morning, cook the porridge, drink the resulting broth and then do not eat anything for 5 hours. In the days of cleansing the body, do not eat heavy and not useful food. There are a huge number of diets, based on oatmeal, let's look at a few of them.

Oatmeal diet for the week

The menu is very simple - all day you need to eat oatmeal porridge, which you can vary with fruits, vegetables and greens. To make porridge, you need to add the boiling water to the flakes and steam it. Do not use sugar, salt and oil, during cooking. Oat diet can also take place on milk, that is, instead of water you can add milk to flakes. If you like to drink down food, in this case, replace the water with kefir. Although it can not be completely excluded from the daily diet, you need to drink up to 2 liters. And as for portions, then eat as much as you want until you satisfy your hunger. Oatmeal diet for 7 days will help you get rid of 5 kg.

Cleansing Diet

In this version, the main thing is not to lose weight, but to cleanse the body. Cleansing oat diet, the menu of which we now consider, will help you get rid of a minimum of 3 kg. And so, in the morning drink a cup of green tea, but only without sugar. After that, after 30 minutes you can eat porridge, about 250 g. Before lunch, you can eat fruits or vegetables from which you can prepare a salad. During lunch it is recommended to cook lean meat or steamed fish. After a while, drink a bit of yogurt or eat apples , and for dinner again - porridge. At lunch you can eat any protein foods. It is recommended to completely eliminate the sweet and flour. This oatmeal diet for weight loss is very balanced and will not bring your health any harm. You can use this diet for about 30 days.

There is another porridge, which is used for weight loss - buckwheat. What is the best diet of oatmeal or buckwheat, you decide, because, in general, they are both good and give positive results, it all depends on what porridge is more acceptable for you.


Oat diet for weight loss is suitable for all people and it must be repeated from time to time to maintain your body in perfect condition. Introduce yourself as a rule to read your morning with a plate of oatmeal, and you will not notice how great a day will pass for you, what you will have wonderful health and well-being.