
We all have occasional bouts of irritability, but it's one thing when they are a reaction to stress, and quite another when irritability is permanent. For example, having explained the fifth time in detail to a person what to do, and having received the fifth time is not the same, it will be quite natural to show irritability. But if any trifle comes out of itself - a paperclip that dropped to the floor, a working phone rang during the lunch break, "wrong weather", you can already talk about the irritability syndrome and look for ways how to get rid of it.

Causes of increased irritability

To talk about the treatment of irritability, it is necessary to understand the causes of the ailment, and there may be many of them.

  1. If we talk about irritability in women, the first thing that comes to mind is PMS or menopause. Changes in the hormonal background provoke mood swings and increased sensitivity to various kinds of irritants.
  2. Irritability in men may be due to a lack of testosterone hormone. In modern conditions, the monthly testosterone rate can be consumed in a week, and it's all about stress and constant competitions with ladies, because there are not so many truly male professions now.
  3. Other physiological causes. These are various diseases - sleep disorders, alcohol dependence, diabetes mellitus, Graves disease, anemia. Also, the cause of irritability can be pain - migraine, toothache or pain during menstruation.
  4. Fatigue, headache, irritability - a familiar linea? If so, you urgently need a vacation, and you also need to review your work schedule. Since the cause of irritability is very often fatigue.
  5. Disturbance of dosage or medication conditions (taking two incompatible drugs), as well as taking medication against excessive love of coffee, can cause an increase in irritability. Caffeine itself can provoke outbreaks of aggression, and even in combination with some medications the effect can be explosive.
  6. Psychology can explain irritability by depression and constant stress.
  7. Also there are people by nature having increased irritability, but their percentage is negligible.

How to get rid of irritability?

As can be seen from the above, often it is necessary to treat not irritability, but various painful conditions that are its cause. Therefore, without referring to a doctor here is indispensable. And this applies to both physiological diseases and emotional problems. Many, suspecting themselves depressed or feeling constantly stress from stress, begin to heal themselves. Doing this can not in any case, the body of each individual and what helped the neighbor, can you lead to a fainting condition. And do not justify the fact that the herbs are harmless, it's not so - uncontrolled reception of a tincture of valerian or broth of lemon balm can have a very negative impact on health, especially if you take it in the morning, going to get behind the wheel. Therefore, the treatment should be carried out by a doctor, and any drugs for irritability can be taken only for its intended purpose.

How to deal with irritability?

Along with medication, it is worth using the following methods of reducing irritability.

  1. Watch when you are most prone to flare-ups. When tired, do you feel hungry or uncomfortable? Take care to exclude these factors, so negatively affecting you.
  2. Physical exercise is a good counterbalance to emotions. At least 20 minutes a day doing sports will make you calmer and more resistant to stress.
  3. Allocate time for yourself. At least half an hour every day, do what you enjoy - hobbies, delicious food in a relaxed atmosphere, watching your favorite TV series, reading books, anything. If you do not feel that you are constantly doing something for yourself, even a little, irritation can not be avoided - it's impossible to live only for others.
  4. Relaxation techniques help you. Even if you are far from Eastern wisdom and are not going to train your mind (the highest level of yoga is the training of reason itself), meditation will allow you to remove the stress accumulated during the day. And if there is not, then there is no desire to be angry over trifles either.

And most importantly, think positively, different things can irritate, but if you also scroll the worst scenario in your head, then you can not see peace of mind as your own ears. So we discard unnecessary worries and bad thoughts and make confident steps towards happiness.