Rhinitis in the baby - the causes and the safest treatment

Snot in a baby is probably the most common phenomenon, because physiology itself contributes to this. Especially worried about young mothers runny nose in babies, because the child begins to be capricious, the quality of sleep deteriorates sharply. Depending on the cause of rhinitis, the likelihood of complications is also possible.

Types of rhinitis in children

Rhinitis in the baby is sometimes very dangerous. It is unrealistic for young parents to find out the cause of a baby's ailment, and therefore medical help is mandatory in this case. Physicians classify the discharge from the spout here for such varieties:

  1. A physiological runny nose , when discharge from the spout is natural due to narrow nasal passages. Such a runny nose in the baby is observed in the first months of life - someone more, and someone less.
  2. Usual catarrhal runny nose occurs as a consequence of the impact on the fragile organism of viruses and bacteria.
  3. Hypertrophic rhinitis may occur due to vascular pathologies and other problems in the area of ​​internal nasal passages.
  4. Vasomotor rhinitis - occurs in small children rarely.
  5. Allergic rhinitis is a logical consequence of the effects on the child of allergens. They can be present in the air, in human milk, in the means for washing children's underwear.

Causes of rhinitis in children

Qualified physicians do not have problems to find out from what the baby is constantly flowing from the nose. The exception is the allergic rhinitis in the baby, it is not easy to find out the reasons for it (to reveal the allergen). In most cases, rhinitis is physiological, especially in the first weeks of a child's life outside the mother's tummy. The organism, adapting to the new conditions, reacts in a similar way to the dryness of the air, and the mucous membrane is reconstructed into a new function, allocating an increased amount of mucus, which eventually returns to normal.

Rhinitis in the baby - symptoms

If the physiological rhinitis in the infant is not confirmed, but a severe runny nose occurs in the child, then in most cases, the cause of this is the viruses that attack the defenseless body of the newborn. If the allocation has a stiff consistency, the child coughs up, his temperature rises, then this may indicate ARVI . With proper treatment, this condition quickly passes without a trace, it is important only to follow the recommendations of the treating doctor.

The symptomatology of the common cold is simple. Child:

The baby has a cold - what can I do?

A rhinitis in the nursing baby excites every mother. The baby becomes restless because of him, and his sleep is superficial due to the impossibility of full nasal breathing. Due to the fact that the child is too small, he can not breathe the mouth, and there is a vicious circle. There are various ways to help the sick - medication and folk. The main thing is to coordinate them with the pediatrician, and not engage in self-medication. The most important:

  1. Injection into the nasal passages of a physiological or special saline solution.
  2. Humidification of air in the room.
  3. Maintain an optimal temperature in the room where the child is.
  4. Carrying out physio procedures.
  5. Inhalations .

How to remove snot from babe?

In order to facilitate breathing with a spout, the so-called child "suction unit" is used. It can be purchased at any pharmacy, but it needs to be done correctly. A good aspirator , has a pear and a soft rubber tip. If the tip is plastic, then they can injure the mucous membrane when the child moves violently. Before going to bed, a saline solution is added to each nasal passage in the amount of 2-3 drops and a minute later the procedure begins. Holding one nostril with your finger, a second tip of the aspirator is applied to the second, compressing the pear, then slowly releasing it.

After use, the pear is thoroughly washed and disinfected. In no case can you suck off the allocation of sharp movements, pumping them out very quickly. This can lead to a load on the tympanic membrane and subsequent inflammation of the middle ear ( otitis ). If the baby already had problems with the ears, it is better to stop using the aspirator and clean the nose with cotton turuns.

How do I rinse my nose with a baby?

Not knowing how to cure a runny nose in a child, mothers go to extremes, using any methods known to them. For babies it is unacceptable. If the older children get rid of stuffiness and speed up the recovery, washing helps, then they are not used in babies because of the risk of complications. The only thing that can be done in this situation is to drip into each nasal passage a maximum of 5 drops from a conventional pipette and after 3-5 minutes to pump out the aspirator's aspirator or remove it with cotton. Use cotton swabs is not allowed.

Can I walk with a baby with a cold?

If the doctor at diagnosis diagnosed "acute rhinitis" in infants, when the child does not go through a runny nose, then the mother should know what rules must be followed so that the baby soon goes on the amendment. Walking during the runny nose can take place in good weather even in winter. If the child does not have a temperature, then walk in the fresh air is even necessary, but slightly less than always, without supercooling. Walking should be excluded only in windy and damp weather.

Can I swim a baby with a cold?

Rhinitis in the baby - not an excuse to abandon the necessary water procedures. Rhinitis in the baby will be faster, if once a day to bathe the baby in a closed room, where the humidity is increased. Due to water vapor, crusts in the nose go away by themselves, the mucus thinens and breathing is facilitated. The only caveat is the presence of a temperature above 37.5 ° C, which accompanies the rhinitis in the baby, in which bathing is best postponed.

How to treat a cold in a baby?

In order to know how to quickly cure a runny nose in a child, you need experience or advice from competent people. All of them are simple and easily doable. It is important to observe them regularly, and then the baby will quickly recover. Depending on the cause of the problem, the following are appointed:

Drops in the nose for babies from the cold

In the pharmacy chain, you can find a variety of drops from the common cold for children who need to be used with great care. After all, uncontrolled out of use can only exacerbate the problem, cause chronic swelling and a change in the nasal mucosa. Illiterately using drops from the rhinitis for babies, you can even provoke a hard-to-treat vasomotor rhinitis in a small child.

Rhinitis in the baby is treated with vasoconstrictor drops, but they are prescribed only when saline solutions do not work. Due to the fact that even the best adapted medicines quickly become addictive and dry the nasal mucosa, they are recommended not to be used for more than three days and to dig in not all day, but only before going to bed and feeding:

  1. Nazon Baby.
  2. Nazivin.
  3. Protargol.
  4. Vibrocil.

Inhalation of infants with runny nose

At all times, steam procedures from nozzles were popular. Now inhalations have been widely spread in the nose with a nebulizer for children. This device allows the smallest molecules of the drug to penetrate deep into the respiratory tract, thereby accelerating the healing process. The saline solution liquefies the mucus, relieving the difficulty of breathing. In addition, to breathe with the help of a nebulizer the baby is much more comfortable than digging a nose in the traditional way.

Folk remedies for a cold in babies

Many mothers increasingly resort to non-traditional, traditional medicine for treating colds and snot in a child. Often, breast milk is used from the common cold, as it is believed by many to be completely sterile and contains substances useful to the baby that actively help the child's immune system. Some doctors agree with this and have nothing against such treatment, while others categorically protest, arguing that milk is an ideal medium for the reproduction of microbes.

A popular treatment for the common cold in children, actively used from the common cold and cough, is steam soda and potato inhalation. It should be carried out with great care, because it is likely to burn a child with hot steam. It is better to replace such a procedure with a nebulizer with saline solution - the effectiveness will be no less, and the risk is reduced to zero. Helps from the stuffing of the nose warm foot baths. It is necessary to lower the legs of the baby into the water for 5 minutes at a temperature of 39 ° C, and the discomfort will pass for a while.