How to find a girlfriend?

Friends sometimes become closer to us than relatives, and that's excellent. But, where and how to find the best friend? Do not run around the city with a sign on which arshin letters will say "I want to find a girlfriend"? No, this method, of course, has the right to exist, but still not so good to take it into service.

So how do you find the best friend, what should you do? In fact, there can be only one answer to this question in order to find someone, you need to look for someone. Well, how do other people find out that you are an interlocutor, pleasant in communication, if you only communicate with relatives by phone, and with a computer, by pressing the on / off button? Another question is where to search.

Where to find a girlfriend?

  1. Speaking of a computer. Do you have access to the Internet? Then stop reading only news and use it for work (educational) purposes! And you did not know that the network can easily find a girlfriend for communication? Come to forums, register in communities whose topics you are interested in. And, talk, talk. Necessarily there will be people whose views coincide with yours, those with whom you will really enjoy and interesting to keep up the conversation. But you can also find in your community of your friends, with whom after chatting on the Internet it will be nice to arrange a sit-round in real life. The main thing is to act and not be embarrassed to express your point of view, otherwise it can be silently held in the network, then of course there will not be any benefit from such a reception.
  2. Mistrust to the Internet community, and believe that communication should only be alive when you see the eyes of the interlocutor? Then you direct road "to the people." Are you sure that there are no people at your work (place of training) with whom you would like to communicate? There is? Well, then what are you waiting for? Do not hesitate to start a conversation, not at the expense of the working (learning) process naturally. There are a lot of topics that can be discussed during the lunch break. But if it happened that you do not want to communicate with colleagues at work, then who prevents you from finding those with whom it will be interesting? Sign up for courses, start attending a fitness club, libraries, walk, finally. The main thing is not to get into a corner, but to show oneself. This does not mean that you need to shout at each corner about your uniqueness, it's enough just to be yourself, because in modern society one of the rarest, but therefore expensive products is sincerity.
  3. Tell me, did you have any girlfriends before? If so, what has become of them? Could they all evaporate overnight? Perhaps after some changes in your life you were so loaded with your own problems that you forgot about your girlfriends? Well, it's never too late to apologize, is it? If these people are really dear to you, then it is worth doing. True friends will always understand and will not hold grudges.

How not to lose friendship?

"How hard it is to find a best friend" - you will say, and you will be right. But I want to note that it is not so difficult to find a girlfriend, how to preserve, the acquired friendship. In addition to the skills of pleasant communication, you will need something else, namely, the ability to empathize, be ready to always support. Egoism is, of course, not bad, but sometimes you need to think about others, try not only to receive, but also to give. It is from friends that we are pleased to hear warm words, it is from friends that we ask advice, whether it is buying a new skirt or apartment, and it is to friends that we are going to complain about the whole world and seek solace. So, if you are used to the fact that a friend will always support you, do not forget that she wants to tell about her problems, and to get advice from you. The main thing is not to blame her, express your attitude to the problem, but you should not criticize - and you will not help your friend, and you will spoil the communication. Respect for the thoughts and feelings of another person has not harmed anyone.