The Benefits of Fear

Probably, there will not be a single person in the world who has not experienced a sense of fear at least once in his life. It is quite natural to feel it and feel shy of this feeling, since this reaction saves us from various dangers and the benefit of fear has long been a proven truth.

Examples of the benefits of fear

First, let's talk a little about the evolution of human development and anthropology. Scientists working in these fields of science have long proved that it was fear that allowed mankind to survive and develop. Our distant ancestors, when a sense of danger arose, tried to escape from the source of possible troubles as far as possible, which is why we did not disappear as a species; otherwise, the ancient people would simply perish from the most natural natural phenomena, for example, from the same lightning strike. Feeling horror during a thunderstorm, our ancestors instinctively sought refuge, thereby saving their lives. It is these studies of scientists that are the first and main argument in favor of fear , but let's discuss the current examples and evidence of this axiom.

Many people experience unpleasant sensations when they are in the dark, and this is what prevents them from committing potentially dangerous actions, for example, walking in the night streets, or moving around in an unlit apartment. In the first case, there is a rather large chance of becoming a victim of criminals, in the second one, to receive a domestic trauma. But, this is just one example of the use of fear of darkness or any other phenomenon that causes trembling in the knees, no less important is that when a sense of danger arises in the body, adrenaline begins to develop, which mobilizes all the forces, which means that a person experiences an extraordinary sense of his own power . Overcoming ourselves under the influence of adrenaline, we can feel our own opportunities, start to respect ourselves and even discover new horizons.

A good example of the use of fear of heights is the rather banal stories about how a person, having decided to overcome himself and get rid of his phobia, begins to engage with a parachute jumping instructor. Overcoming themselves, such people often start to succeed in other things, as they believe in their abilities more. Just keep in mind that you need to get rid of the fear of heights with an experienced instructor, and, not independently making walks on the roofs, otherwise, the case may end in tragedy, not triumph.

Another fact of the need for a person of this feeling can be well illustrated by an example of the benefits of fear of water. Often the sense of danger makes a person act instinctively, and, not relying on logic, for example, we often just run away from the same intruders. Therefore, imagine that a person who does not know how to swim suddenly falls into a deep river or lake, it would seem that he must drown and there are no chances of salvation. But the developed adrenaline can exert an impact on the body, which is popularly called "brains knocked back," and the drowning man will instinctively move his hands and feet so as to stay afloat.

Briefly summarized, we can note the following:

  1. Fear helped mankind to survive.
  2. It protects us from provoking various potentially dangerous situations.
  3. With the release of a large amount of adrenaline into the blood, a person can begin to act instinctively, thereby saving himself.
  4. Fear helps us to improve ourselves, because, overcoming it, we begin to respect ourselves and believe in ourselves.

Do not be shy about your own fears, if they do not stop you from living, you can not get rid of them at all, because this is a kind of protection system that everyone needs.