Memory malfunction

Each person is talented in his own way - someone can easily solve the most difficult mathematical problems, someone copes with the composition of bouquets, and someone likes the communication with children. But what would all these talents cost, lose our ability to remember information? Unfortunately, memory disruptions do not happen so rarely, and the variety of their causes does not always make it possible to quickly find the best tool for solving the problem.

Memory impairment in psychology

Everyone heard about memory disorders, some even remember the scientific name of this phenomenon - amnesia. But in fact, the types of memory impairment in psychology are much more known. It is accepted to subdivide them into three large groups.

Amnesia is a disorder of the ability to remember, store and reproduce information. There are several types of amnesia.

  1. Retrograde - the inability to reproduce the information received before the moment of the disturbance of consciousness that occurred to the person.
  2. Anterogradnaya - the complexity of reproducing events that occurred after the episode of impaired consciousness.
  3. Anteroretrogradarnaya - difficulties in the reproduction of information concern the period before and after a case with a violation of consciousness.

Partial memory disorders, most often occur in emotional disorders, contributing to the formation of manic and depressive symptoms. Such situations can be of two types: memory loss (hypnosis) and memory increase (hypermnesia).

Paramnesia - distorted or false memories.

  1. Confabulation is a deception of memory, leading to the reproduction of fictitious events due to the inability to remember the real.
  2. Pseudo-reminiscence is a memory disorder in which the chronology of events is disrupted. Thus, incidents from the past can be perceived as events of the present.
  3. Cryptomnesia is a distortion of memory in which a person appropriates strangers, actions or thoughts.

As you can see, there are many variants of memory disorders, and their causes are also very diverse. For a simpler understanding, they are divided into several groups.

  1. Defeat of the brain, for example, stroke, craniocerebral trauma or its cancer.
  2. Deterioration of the work of other important organs, leading to memory impairments.
  3. Other adverse factors - sleep disorders, constant stress , increased mental stress and the transition to a different lifestyle.
  4. Chronic abuse of drugs, sedatives, alcohol and tobacco.
  5. Age changes.

Memory disorders are manifold, many of them are short-lived and reversible, that are caused by overwork, neurotic reactions, the influence of drugs and alcohol. Others, caused by more serious causes, are amenable to treatment is much more difficult. A very serious case is dementia - a memory disorder combined with impaired attention and thinking, leading to a decrease in the person's adaptation, making him dependent on others. Therefore, if a memory disorder is detected, an early application to a specialist is required, the sooner the causes and the appropriate treatment are determined, the greater the chance of a complete restoration of this important function
