Socialization of personality - stages and types

Since the birth of a person surrounded by different people, so you can argue that it is part of social interaction. Throughout his life he acquires different experiences, adapts himself to life in society, as a result of which the socialization of the individual takes place. It has several types, which differ from each other.

What is the socialization of the individual?

This term is understood as the process of assimilating a person's social experience from the society to which he belongs, and actively implementing and increasing the number of social ties. Throughout life, people not only perceive social experience, but also adjust it to their own concepts and values. Socialization of the individual is a kind of experience that consists of many components, for example, the norms and values ​​of the social environment, and the culture of labor of different types of activity enter here.

Socialization of personality - psychology

A person has a need to belong to the society, that is, to identify himself with the people who surround him. Socialization of the personality in psychology occurs as a result of fulfilling the requirements of society, which makes it necessary to develop its own line of behavior in different situations, and it will depend on the concepts and character of the person. The formation of the socio-psychological type occurs during contact with the society and the influence of micro- and macroenvironment, as well as culture and different values.

Socialization of personality is a two-sided process, which manifests itself in the fact that a person not only adapts to certain conditions and norms, but also shapes his own values . People tend to become part of the group to understand what "we" are and get rid of loneliness. Interaction with others gives self-confidence and forces to influence social life.

What contributes to the socialization of the individual?

A person is influenced by a number of factors that form values, concepts and attitude to the world in him.

  1. The process of social adaptation begins with early childhood, when parents instill both physical and mental skills.
  2. Training takes place from the kindergarten to the university. As a result, different knowledge is accumulated, due to which the world, society and so on are known.
  3. Self-control in the socialization of the individual is of great importance, since a person must possess the qualities for a correct reaction in different situations. It is important psychological protection of a person, contributing to a better understanding of the differences between the internal and external world.

Types of socialization of personality

There are several varieties of socialization, which depend on various factors. The mechanisms of socialization of personality can be divided into two groups:

  1. Primary - implying the perception of society in childhood. The child socializes, being guided by the cultural position of the family in which he is brought up, and the perception of the world by the adults surrounding him. Hence we can conclude that parents form the first social experience of their child.
  2. Secondary - do not have a term and last until a person enters a particular social group. With age, the child begins to fall into different formations, for example, in the kindergarten or sports sections, where he learns new roles and on the basis of this learns to perceive himself from the other side. It is worth noting that often socialization and personality are confronted with some inconsistencies, for example, the values ​​of the family do not correspond to the interests of the chosen group, and then the person passes self-identification and makes choices on the basis of experience and sensations.

Polorolevaya socialization of the individual

This species is also called gender socialization, and it implies the person's mastering of distinctive differences between a man and a woman. There is acceptance of existing models of behavior, norms and values ​​of both sexes, as well as the influence of the public and the social environment with the aim of inculcating a number of rules and standards. This continues throughout life. The concept of socialization of the individual in a gender perspective distinguishes the following mechanisms for its implementation:

  1. Acceptable behavior of society will be encouraged, and deviations from the norms will be followed by punishment.
  2. A person chooses suitable sex-role models for him in close groups, that is, in the family, among peers, and so on.

Family socialization of the individual

The child learns to perceive the world not only through the direct influence of adults, that is, upbringing, but also by observing the behavior of people around. It is important to note that often the development and socialization of the individual in the family stumbles upon the discrepancy of the models of the parents' behavior with the requirements that they put forward to the child. For example, a ban on smoking can be cited, but one of the parents or other family members has such a bad habit. The main factors of socialization of personality are:

  1. The composition and structure of the family, that is, how the relatives interact with each other.
  2. The position of the child in the family, for example, he can be a grandson to his grandmother, brother to his sister, son to his father and stepchild's stepmother. It is proved that the socialization of a child brought up in a complete family and a single mother is different.
  3. The chosen style of education, so parents and grandparents can instill in the child different values.
  4. The moral and creative potential of the family is equally important for the socialization of the individual.

Professional and labor socialization

When a person gets to work, there is a change or adjustment of his character and behavior during the activity. Features of socialization of the individual in the labor sphere are expressed in the fact that adaptation is carried out both within the collective and in professional stratification. To increase one's own status, the availability and growth of work skills is very important.

Subcultural-group socialization

Everyone should master social roles that are relevant to the culture of the environment where he lived, studied, worked, communicated, and so on. The essence of socialization of the individual is based on the fact that each region has its own distinctive features, due to which the society is formed. If we focus on subculture-group socialization, then nationality, religious affiliation, age, sphere of activity and other factors will be taken into account.

Functions of socialization of the person

For a person and society as a whole, socialization is important and its main functions include:

  1. Regulatory and regulatory. Everything that surrounds a person affects him to a greater or lesser degree. This includes: family, country policy, religion, education, economics and so on.
  2. Personality-transformative. The process of socialization of the personality occurs at the time when a person communicates with other people, showing their individual traits and separating themselves from the "herd".
  3. Value-orientation. This function has a link to the first in the presented list, since a person adheres to the values ​​that are characteristic of his close environment.
  4. Information and communication. While communicating with different people, a person receives information, which in one way or another affects the formation of his way of life.
  5. Creative. With proper social education, a person will strive to create and improve the world around him. Faced with various problems, he will find solutions based on his own knowledge and experience.

Stages of socialization of personality

The process of forming a personality in a society takes place in several stages:

  1. Childhood. It is proved that at this age the personality is formed by about 70%. Scientists determine that up to seven years the child understands his own "I" much better than in the older years.
  2. Adolescence. During this period, the most physiological changes occur. Since the age of 13 most of the children have endeavored to take on as many duties as possible.
  3. Youth. Describing the stage of socialization of the individual, it is worth noting that this stage is the most intense and dangerous, and it begins at the age of 16. During this period, the person makes important decisions, in which direction to move on, which society to become and so on.
  4. Adulthood. Since the age of 18, most people have basic instincts working in the direction of work and personal life. A person recognizes himself through labor and sexual experience, and through friendship and other spheres.