Lateral thinking

We have all been taught to think in one direction, that non-standard ideas are seen as something genius, and sometimes even seditious. That is why the development of lateral, that is, non-standard thinking, has recently received a lot of attention. Especially this skill is important for top managers, because in management positions thinking in standard categories is fraught with business.

The use of lateral thinking

Elements of creativity are needed in any profession, this fact is known for a long time, but recognition was received only in the conditions of the modern market. The first attempt was made to regulate the principles of lateral thinking, Edward de Bono. Already in the late 60-ies of the last century, he was able to assess the prospects that open with a creative approach to any business process. Today, his credibility in the field of creativity is unquestionable, so it is worthwhile to bring a few tips from Edward de Bono about the development of lateral (non-standard) thinking.

  1. Consider each task as completely new, avoiding the use of cliches and standard solutions.
  2. Show doubt.
  3. Consider generalized options.
  4. Take into account new ideas and develop them.
  5. Look for new entry points that can become an unexpected support.

Also Edward de Bono is the author of the reception, called the "telephone line with the subconscious". The essence of it lies in the ability to give your brain loaded rest. For example, the master likes to go on vacation, do gardening, listening to music or singing birds. During such a relaxed pastime, the resting brain sends a variety of messages, which often differ in their non-standard. Such The method helps de Bono to come up with promotional texts and promotions. The simplicity of this technique allows it to be used by anyone, only for its effectiveness it is required that before the rest the brain is constantly loaded with something, then a sharp departure from everyday life will really give results.

By the way, people with non-standard thinking were always and it is they who own all outstanding discoveries. For example, the outstanding physicist Niels Bohr, passing the exam, stumped his examiner, having devised 6 ways to use a barometer to measure the height of the tower. Among them there was not a single generally accepted version that was so boring for the student that he decided to come up with something of his own.