Is it possible to get married in a leap year?

The duration of a leap year is 366 days instead of 365 days of the usual year. According to the signs that have developed in ancient times, a leap year is an unfortunate time for all serious undertakings, because all of them will fail. Some are skeptical of such superstitions and are not afraid of the approaching year. Others, on the contrary, fear, and attribute to him all the bad. At the same time, couples in love are often puzzled, whether it is possible to associate their life with family ties and hold sacraments of the wedding at this time.

Is it possible to get married in a leap year from the point of view of the church?

Additional days that fall on February 29, also have the name - Kasyanov day. For a long time this day was considered one of the most difficult and dangerous for the people. He was associated with numerous legends and beliefs. However, in the future, people began to fear not only this day, but the entire leap year.

According to statistics, now even those who are far from the ancient superstition, still trying not to create a marriage and not to marry in this period. But how justified are these fears? The church itself does not recognize these prejudices. If people are really believers and sincerely loving each other, then a leap year for them will not become a hindrance to the creation of a strong family.

The church does not foresee any prohibitions during this period, therefore it is possible to get married in a leap year, without thinking about the negative consequences. Representatives of Christianity are convinced that family relations do not depend on bad or good dates and figures. The most important thing is mutual feelings of love and respect for a partner that can help overcome all difficulties and obstacles on the way. But if young people are really afraid of this year and are convinced that it will not lead to anything good, then, of course, it is better to postpone the wedding until a more suitable period.