Cryptorchidism in dogs

The name of this disease went from the Greek words "criptos" and "orchis", and accordingly translated as "hidden testicles". In testicles male testicles are not in the scrotum, but in the inguinal canal, under the skin or in the abdominal cavity. Sometimes an anomaly is associated with one testicle - this is called unilateral cryptorchidism in dogs. And in other cases, there are no both testicles. Unfortunately, this phenomenon is by no means a rarity and it can often be observed in dogs or domestic cats.

Cryptorchidism in dogs

The probability that a dog will show cryptorchidism is between 1.2% and 10% and depends on the breed of the animal. Large dogs do not suffer from this disease as often as dwarf pets. Most often, such an anomaly can be found among Pomeranian Spitz , Poodles, Pekingese, Toy Terriers, Maltese Bolonok and other kids. Sometimes the testicle is too large, and it can not pass the inguinal canal or the external inguinal ring. In other cases, the passage of very narrow canal dimensions or a short seed rope, an insufficiently developed scrotum, interferes with the passage. The causes may be in poor heredity, violations during embryo development. Influences on it can also be various inflammatory processes, viral diseases, bad ecology, trauma, lack of vitamin A. You see yourself that the causes of cryptorchidism in dogs can be very much.

Treatment in dogs of cryptorchidism

First you need to put the correct diagnosis. To do this, a visual examination, ultrasound diagnosis, palpation and laparoscopy. The last two methods are the most accurate and important. When palpation establish the fact that the testis is absent in place, and try to find it where it can be found. Produce this procedure from the inguinal canal and towards the scrotum. In some cases, cryptorchidism is false and it is possible to lower the testis into the scrotum.

The consequences of cryptorchidism in dogs can be different and most often they always appear later. We list the most common of them:

Treatment can be conservative or surgical intervention may be required:

  1. In the first case injections of the drug chorionic gonadotropin are used. But this is possible in case of palpable testes. Hormonal therapy is usually used in the early stages of the disease and, unfortunately, does not always give positive results.
  2. When surgical methods of treatment, castration or orchipexy is used. The first way is cardinal and in many cases the most correct one. He excludes the spread of the disease to the offspring. The second method is to try to place the testes and attach them to the surrounding tissues with the help of sutures. In terms of their injuries, risks and care during the rehabilitation period, both methods are almost identical. In many cases, the operation takes twenty minutes and the healing takes place quite easily. Sometimes, even improvement of fertilization in males is possible. But there is one more reason why many breeders prefer castration of orchidosis - at the age of 7-8 years, cryptorchids have an increased risk of tumor degeneration of the testicles.

Bilateral cryptorchids are often sterile, but one-sided may give full-fledged offspring, although deviations are possible. Binding in this case is associated with risk, and you should treat it with extreme caution. Such males are undesirable to allow further breeding work in order to avoid anomalies in puppies. It is advisable at the first suspicion that you have identified in your dog cryptorchidism, contact the veterinarian immediately.