Pimples on the face - causes

To date, acne is no longer a teenage disease and women suffer from it even after 40 years. Before starting to use various popular external means, it is important to find out why there were acne on the face - the reasons often lie in the violations of the internal systems, and local drugs have a temporary, short-lived effect.

Causes of acne on the face

The main factor that causes rashes is always considered hormonal changes in the organism in the puberty period. But if acne manifests itself in adulthood, the causes of acne on the face may be as follows:

It is worth noting that the last mentioned factor is the cause of the appearance of rashes in 70% of cases.

To properly diagnose and establish the disease that caused acne, you must pass a number of laboratory tests, do a scraping, to examine the blood. In addition, it is important to pay attention to the location and nature of the rashes.

Causes of purulent acne on the face

Large, notable formations, called pustules, arise from such factors:

In the absence of therapy, they often merge and form nodular-cystic acne with a large amount of exudate.

Also, similar rashes may accompany allergic reactions of the skin to medications or other histamines, infectious epidermal infestations with staphylococcus and streptococcus. It is believed that such problems arise from the reduction of local immunity.

The causes of small white acne on the face

Comedones are a small, painless formation, which is, in fact, a septic tube. Excretions of the skin glands do not surface, thicken and remain in the pores.

The reasons for such acne are:

It is important to note that, despite painlessness and relative imperceptibility, comedones are dangerous, since their infection is fraught with an inflammatory process under the skin. As a result, pustules, papules and even boils develop.

Causes of painful internal acne on the face

Perhaps, this is the most difficult and difficult to cure form of rashes. Education appears for such a number of reasons:

Subcutaneous pimples can also merge and form large lesions that destroy the dermis tissue. After them, there are visible scars and scars, because usually such rashes are accompanied by inflammatory processes with the release of pus.

It is worth noting that the described type of acne needs emergency measures of treatment, as often the contents of acne enters the bloodstream, provoking the spread of pathogenic bacteria in the body.