When can I get pregnant after a miscarriage?

Unfortunately, miscarriage is quite a frequent phenomenon. However, if you can not get pregnant after a miscarriage, do not be discouraged ahead of time. The probability of success becoming pregnant after a spontaneous miscarriage is quite high and is 80%. It is important to feel ready to try again.

When can I get pregnant after a miscarriage?

Doctors recommend waiting at least 4-6 months before trying again to become pregnant after a miscarriage. In any case, the decision on pregnancy after miscarriage and cleansing should be considered and agreed upon between the two spouses. Often a man after a wife has a miscarriage, resists new attempts, especially if you are planning a pregnancy after two miscarriages. He does not want a beloved woman to go again through the pain and suffering accompanying previous unsuccessful attempts.

In order that a new pregnancy does not occur one month after the miscarriage and your body, like yourself, rested and recovered from the stress, it is necessary to resort to contraception. Ask your doctor which methods are more preferable in your case. In general, experts recommend barrier methods and spermicides. However, in some cases, on the contrary, there is a reception of hormonal drugs, which, in addition to contraceptives, have medicinal properties.

How to endure a child after a miscarriage?

To maintain pregnancy after a miscarriage, you need to reconsider your behavior during an unsuccessful attempt. Most likely you are not to blame for what happened, but understanding that you will do everything right will give confidence that this time everything will go well.

So, what can cause a miscarriage:

Prepare for pregnancy after a miscarriage

It is in the extensive examination of a specialist: the Rh factor of both spouses should be investigated, since there can be a Rh-conflict if one of them rhesus is negative. The next step is to research partners for hepatitis B and C, viral and infectious diseases (human papillomavirus, toxoplasmosis, chlamydia, herpes (first and second type), cytomegalovirus infection, rubella and others), HIV, diagnosis for syphilis.

Not detected and not cured in time, a bacterial or viral infection is the most common cause of miscarriage. Even such minor, at first glance, diseases like thrush and bacterial vaginosis, can significantly complicate the course of pregnancy.

Before planning a repeat pregnancy, you need to undergo a hormonal status study, as hormonal imbalance can be the cause of abortion. In addition, during preparation for pregnancy after a miscarriage, it is necessary to take folic acid in recommended doses.

If one of the future parents has a disease that is not related to childbearing (this may be endocrine, cancer, liver and kidney disorders, etc.), then in preparation for pregnancy in particular after a late miscarriage it is necessary to undergo a survey to determine the degree of organ damage and the ability of the body in terms of gestation.

If you take seriously your health, undergo all the necessary research and cure existing diseases, the probability of getting pregnant after a miscarriage in you will greatly increase, and the risk of a second miscarriage will be minimal.