Herculean porridge in the multivark

Brewing gruel porridge in a multivariate, not just, but very simple! And the traditional oatmeal for breakfast will no longer take away precious minutes of the morning sleep. Loaded a miracle pot from the evening, put on a timer, and please, your wake up is already ready for hot, fragrant and such a useful oatmeal . You can serve directly in bed!

The main thing is to choose the proportions. And there are no right or wrong, it is important what kind of cereal you like - more liquid or thicker. A couple of experiments, and you will choose your "golden" ratio. There are several more subtleties:

And the last. In all the recipes chosen by us, we use a glass of multivarks as a measuring cup.

The recipe for Herculean porridge in the multivark №1



In the cup multivarka we load all the components, mix and close. Set the mode "Kasha" and deal with their own affairs before the sound signal.

Ready porridge can be flavored with butter, fresh fruit or candied fruit, jam or yoghurt. Sugar is best replaced with honey, just do not add it to hot oatmeal - high temperature destroys this useful product.

Herculean porridge, cooked on water according to this recipe, is perfect for a day of unloading. You just need to add another glass of water - "unloading" oatmeal should be liquid.

Milk gruel porridge in the multivark



In order that the porridge does not run away and do not stain the cover of the multivark, you can additionally lubricate the edges of the bowl with butter. Pour the flakes with milk. If you like liquid porridge, it is worth adding a glass and a half. Turn on the "Milk porridge" mode. Before serving, we put in buttercup butter, at the request we add salt and sugar.

The recipe for Herculean porridge in the multivark №2



Flakes in the bowl multivarki pour milk and cream, and run the "Milk porridge" for 25 minutes. Ready porridge a little salt, add oil. With the help of jam and chocolate draw funny muzzles, and little sweet tooth for your ears do not drag from the plates with such a colorful oatmeal.

Preparation of Herculean porridge in a multivarque, which lacks the "Milk porridge" regime



The only difficulty of this recipe is to find a suitable heat-resistant dish, in which, instead of the main bowl of the multivarquet, we will cook 2 servings of liquid milk porridge. We fall asleep in it flakes, we fill them with milk. We install the vessel in the bowl of the multivark, in which we pre-pour the water to the lower mark. We start the program "Boil for a couple" for 20 minutes. At the end, we leave the porridge on the "Warmth" so that it thickens. After adding salt, sugar to taste and what you like - nuts and dried apricots, condensed milk , jam or chocolate.