Jeans overall - how to wear it?

One of the amazing facts of the world of fashion is that not every girl has in her wardrobe and knows how to correctly combine such a universal thing as a denim overall, although in style and practicality it does not differ much from ordinary jeans.

Female denim overalls

Jeans overalls for girls have several varieties, but always play the same role - add a drop of some naive charm to the image, unlike simple pants. They do not need any original colors and catchy accessories to look good. They perfectly match even with a simple white or black T-shirt . The peculiarity of them is that they cover the part of the body with a very unobtrusive way and the combination with a short top does not require any jacket or jacket.

Overalls are not limited to walks in the park and a trip to the cinema. More and more, Hollywood stars appear in them at various premieres and exhibitions. The only place where the overalls are out of place is the red carpet. But hardly anyone will see if in a couple of years we will see it there, because the trouser suits on the ladies have more than once replaced the luxurious evening dresses of famous actresses and singers.

Short denim overalls

The hit of this summer is a female denim overall. It looks much more interesting and welcomes a large number of varieties of clothing in the image. You can safely combine it with a tight-fitting shirt, and with a loose shirt. The latter option will look even more charming. In this way, there is a lot of space for self-expression. Here are a few ideas:

  1. Add sports style, while remaining original, will help sneakers, white high socks and a baseball cap.
  2. Femininity will be emphasized by a loose shirt of warm shades and restrained, classical ballet flats.
  3. More street style expresses a mix of shoes on a hairpin, elegant fitting golf and a clutch of the original form.

Long denim overalls

The length in this case decides "half the trouble" of the beautiful half of humanity - what to wear. Do not need to bother about what will sit better - a shirt, a shirt, maybe a transparent blouse ? The answer is - everything will sit well! But if long beautiful jeans overalls have conquered your heart. You can combine them even with a long coat and shoes at low speed. The only thing that looks bad with overalls in this case is a free or bulky top.

Denim overall skirt

Women's denim skirts, overalls are found in a variety of variations and often look very attractive, combining the female wardrobe item and the "male" in the form of braces. In this there is a share of charm. Given that this is not just a summer denim overalls, but a skirt in one "face", it can still be combined with sneakers, and with elegant shoes. A translucent shirt and sandals on a high wedge will look with a skirt-jumpsuit very festive.

Denim overalls shorts

Better than women's shorts can only be female denim overalls shorts. When we see his combination with a simple white T-shirt, the idea arises that they were created for each other. This practical and versatile thing acts as a complete dress and does not require special additions. It expresses the main trend of our time, which has not ceased for several years in a row - minimalism . You can focus on the accessory or shoes, choosing something original and unusual, but you do not need to complement the shorts with other bright clothes.

Denim overalls dress

The overall-dress was remembered by many from childhood. Bright t-shirts, pigtails with colored rubber bands for hair and a children's summer tan. Women's summer denim overalls in the form of dresses fell in love with girls and women and do not cease to leave the streets of megacities on hot days. Quite simply, but feminine they look in combination with heels and wedges, stylish accessories like big beads and bracelets. Perfectly fit voluminous bags, regardless of whether the dress is dressed or free.

Denim overalls with sleeves

But here you do not need to invent anything at all. If you want to be elegant, you put on shoes. Want everyday - sneakers or ballet flats, in the mood. A female denim overall with sleeves acts as an independent wardrobe item, which needs to be supplemented only on their own. It will not be superfluous to have a coat, a windbreaker or even a fur coat in the cool season. At the same time, it is necessary to complement the image with boots or boots very selectively and carefully, so as not to become like a builder.

Warm Jeans overall

Insulated version of this wonderful thing is rare, but denim overalls on fleece is popular in cold countries abroad. He is boldly worn with fur coats and ugg boots, complemented by bright caps and scarves . And he looks great with coats and cloaks of classic colors like black, white and beige. Shoes can be selected a variety: warm sneakers, low boots and boots. As a headdress, the hat looks unrivaled.

With what to wear jeans overalls?

Legislators of fashion and simple girls are always in search of new, original and extravagant images. So, if you still have not figured out what to wear with a female denim overall, you can spy on how others dress. All the ideas concerning this wonderful wardrobe subject can be divided into several topics:

  1. Sports style . It presupposes the presence of sneakers and sports t-shirts. It can also be a shortened top with long sleeves or a T-shirt. To overalls-shorts it is possible to add golfs, preferably white. With them, a skirt suit and a white baseball cap will look amazing.
  2. Classic style . It is appropriate to combine a white, black, beige and basic, in this case, blue or blue jeans. Suitable for both day-to-day exits, and for special occasions. White or black overalls can not become part of a business appearance at all.
  3. Feminine style . Can contain both a skirt and shorts. It is necessary to choose the right shirt or shirt of warm, pleasant colors, a pair of accessories and ballet shoes or shoes of soft beige, pink or red.
  4. Street style . This can be a hat, a leather jacket , heels or boots with a short overalls-shorts. All that can be slightly insolent and unordinary.

Black denim overalls

If you do not like the shades of blue and blue or want a more classic style, the ideal solution will be a female black denim overall. Combined with a classic white shirt and heels, he is quite capable of creating a stylish business image for routine work in the office or business meeting. White sneakers and a short top will attract the attention of fans of street fashion during a walk. As you can see, such a must-have can play any role.

White denim overall

White color is considered very impractical, since most spots on it make you throw away even the most favorite thing. But the image with denim overalls is so effective that no practicality becomes more important than the appearance. Such a bow blows with freshness and a unique sense of style . You can combine white in a variety of shades, but the classic colors are always in vogue.

Denim overalls for complete

Who said that it is difficult for full girls to choose stylish clothes? Fashionable denim overalls for women "in the body" sometimes look even more attractive than on thin shoes, because they favorably emphasize their forms. They can be combined with almost anything and do not worry about how you look from this or that angle. Most profitable image will look with a tight top, ankle boots and a couple of small ornaments.

Here is another simple thing that can permanently settle in your wardrobe, complementing the most diverse images. Jeans overalls can be worn by children and adults, and men and women, and thin and fat. A universal wardrobe object that combines absolutely with anything and is particularly practical, can easily win your sympathy when you start to harmonize it correctly with other elements. He does not require additional accessories and "leads a completely independent life."