
The most high-mountainous country in the world contains many secrets and sights . The population of the country has been practicing Hinduism for many centuries and keeps amazing ancient temples for contemporaries. One of such places of pilgrimage is Budanilkantha.

Acquaintance with the temple

Budanilkantha or Buranilikantha - an ancient temple complex, built by the Newar people. The territorially religious structure is in Nepal , in the Kathmandu valley , about 10 km north of the country's capital.

The temple complex is dedicated to the deity Narayana - horizontally lying in the water 5-meter god Vishnu in the Divine dream, "yoganidra". According to the legends of the people nevari, from this image and the whole world came to pass. Budanilkantha was discovered in the 7th century and is a place of pilgrimage for many believers. The same family of brahmanas has been courting the temple for many centuries in a row.

The divine statue of the brahmanas is kept clean, constantly tinting it and decorating it with bright colors. Inside the temple music plays in the afternoon. Here celebrate all religious holidays and conduct ceremonies. It is noteworthy that for a long time the King of Nepal for his subjects was the embodiment of the god Vishnu, and all the crowned persons were forbidden to look at Narayana's face in the water.

How to look?

From the city of Kathmandu to Budanilkantha there are regular buses, the closest stop to the religious buildings is the Chapali Bus Stop. Tourists often use rickshaw and taxi services. If you are traveling on your own, then look at the coordinates of the shrine: 27.766818, 85.367549.

A visit to the Budanylkantha Temple is free, but gifts and donations are welcome. Tourists in this place usually a little.