Sign - the bird flew through the window

In every person's life, signs take up a last place and play an important role, and at what stage there would be no development in the world, no matter what innovations appear in science, faith in the "signs of fate" is likely to always exist. Many scientists do not cease to wonder why this happens, but meanwhile people do not stop comparing events, what happened to people's perceptions, and before doing something or before doing anything they are guided by these very "signs".

Such a seemingly meaningless sign, when the bird has flown through the window, can have a significant impact on a person's future life in the next two weeks. While the omen is either not realized, or the person will not forget about it.

What does it mean if the bird has flown through the window?

If you associate such a sign with signs, then even from the time of our ancestors, the birds were considered to be the symbol of the souls of dead people. Therefore, those who were interested in the question of what it means if a bird flew out the window, the answer was obvious: it is the soul of a close relative or person who is no longer alive, trying to convey some information. Thus, it turns out that the bird that has flown through the window, according to popular signs - to the news. But what kind of news they will lead, our ancestors treated already based on the "breed" of the bird.

It was believed that a crow or a sparrow is a bad sign. Most likely, such a value was received by the fact that these birds destroyed the harvest. Galki and magpies - to gossip about the family life of a close family member. Floating in the window, the nightingale was considered a sign of wealth, material well-being and prosperity, and swifts and swallows treated as a forthcoming marriage or marriage.

People's signs are not bypassed and domesticated birds. Since ancient times, the cock is considered a fighter with evil spirits, who dispels darkness with his joyful "conversation". It is believed that the roosters who sing in bad time - to the news. And if the cock screams at the gate itself, then this is a harbinger of the arrival of strangers in the near future.

The special significance of the signs

But if the pigeon flew into the window, it was a harbinger of the fact that the news can be very different. This may mean that the family will be added, or, on the contrary, the death of relatives. A good sign is when the dove flies through the window, holding something in its beak. Also, according to popular signs, the visit of a pigeon can also bear such importance as quarrels and conflicts in the family, divorce, shock.

Therefore, if it happens that at home or at work the bird has flown through the window, then to treat such a "sign" is based on the "breed" of the bird.

What if the bird flew out the window?

Practical every person at the sight of a black cat, without hesitation, spits over his shoulder. Or, when this animal runs across the road, they throw something after him. But what to do, so that a bad omen about a bird that has flown in the window does not come true, not many know. But in this situation, practically no measures need to be taken. It's pretty simple: let it fly by yourself. You just need not close the window and continue to do their own thing. You do not have to try and catch a bird, just need not pay attention to it. But if she does not try to fly away, you should just pour on the windowsill of the crumbs, so try to entice her.

When the bird finally flies away, it is necessary to take a small handful of any grains and, throwing it under the window, say: "Fly for food, and not for the soul!"

A sign will not come true if a person performs such a process.

However, it is worth noting that only the person himself decides whether to believe in signs or not.