How to make yourself lose weight?

Many girls are fully aware of the imperfection of their figure, but they absolutely can not get together and start losing weight. The idea comes to mind that it is too long and difficult, and in general it is better to start on Monday. Many are seriously concerned about how to make themselves lose weight. It's time to figure out why some women successfully reduce weight and support it, others go from one diet to another without any visible results, and others even at all consume themselves with the idea that someday they will somehow get down to business.

When is it better to start losing weight?

Since it is rather difficult to force yourself to lose weight, many postpone it on "Monday" and other mythical, meaningless periods, in which, of course, nothing happens either. So, you need to start losing weight when the shooter just crawls up. The newly collected 2-3 kg is much easier to remove than a stable, long-gained weight. The faster you get down to business, the more successful it will be!

Motivation for slimming

Motivation is the main thing in losing weight. If you do not see the goal clearly, then you will never reach it. So, you need to self-motivate yourself. To do this, answer one simple question: why should you lose weight?

While you do not understand why all the restrictions are necessary, you do not proceed to them. Few people are helped simply by the desire to be more beautiful. On many excellent viewing of the most unsuccessful photos where it is visible fatty adjournment and the spoiled figure works. With the same purpose, you can just undress in front of the mirror. Especially good for those who were slim, but recovered, see the photo before and after completeness. It is sobering and makes you think seriously about the figure.

An additional motivation may be the desire to like your partner more, the opportunity to wear things smaller by size, look smoother in a swimsuit or shorts, prove to your girlfriend that you are not a weak-willed piece of meat, etc. Whatever it is, it is important that it really touches you and makes you act - this is the motivation to lose weight.

You just do not imagine a sense of pride and complacency that pleasant warmth will spread throughout your body at the moment when you stand on the scales and understand that you were able to achieve your goal! This is a much stronger pleasure than what you get from sweets, cakes and fatty dishes.

How to make yourself lose weight?

To force yourself to do yourself, you need to make a plan how to start losing weight properly. This is done simply: answer the following questions, or better, write down your answers:

  1. Age, height, weight, chest volume, waist, hips, thigh and shin circumference, neck and other parameters of interest to you.
  2. How much do you want to weigh in kilograms? Or how much do you need a waist? It is important: the figure should be real and it is desirable to enter the limit of the norm for your growth. The simplest formula for calculating the norm: growth -100cm -10% of growth = ideal weight. For example, the calculation with the growth of 170: 170-100-17 (this is 10% of 170) = 53. This is the ideal weight, and plus or minus 5 kg in both directions is an acceptable indicator.
  3. Up to what time do you need to achieve the desired indicator? Please note that natural weight loss is not faster than minus three to four kilograms per month!
  4. How much time per day are you willing to pay to make your body beautiful?
  5. Look at popular weight loss systems (but not diet). This is not a short-term event, you need to choose something that you can follow constantly: proper nutrition, raw food, vegetarianism, "-60" system. Choose the best option.

Now everything is ready, it's time just right now to give up sugar in tea and sweets for sweet. And everything, consider, you have achieved the first successes, and further only sports or dances and your new system of a food!